
In a sane world, this wouldn’t even be a legislative battle. You would tell a lawmaker that there’s a flaw in the law that allows cops to coerce sex out of prostitutes. And the lawmaker’s reactions, “Oh, shit, really?? Well, we’ll take care of that this afternoon.” And no one would complain about the idea and the only

Racism sucks.

The point I was making was that I highly doubt she would support a united Yugoslavia which did not consider the rights of ethnic groups to self determine. I am not arguing that she ought not to voice her criticisms of the Israeli government, I am arguing her antizionism is thinly veiled antisemitism. I am sorry if my

Linda Sarsour is great. She is incredibly brave, and has a lot more hate thrown her way than I ever could imagine. Her anti-Zionism is something that I disagree with, but that is because the brand of Zionism she fights against is not the brand of Zionism I recognize, and a lot of people (including her, apparently) are

Wow. You don’t even hide her gross comments about other women and antizionism. Also, her antizionism is antisemitic considering she only has a problem with a Jewish state and not a Muslim state, nor is she calling for a United Yugoslavia last that I heard. When you believe that ethnic groups and religious groups (say,

Well, you’re welcome. Most productive I’ve been all day.

I think what I love most about this whole thing is that you’ve been calling everyone childish for mentioning a minor mistake, but you have come across far stronger as the childish one.

I’m not talking about you, which is why I started with “I don’t care about typos”. I was establishing a case where I feel it’s okay to correct someone.

Of course, more Tennant will always be welcome....

I don’t care about typos. I do care about consistent misuse of words, because a person could misuse that word for years and not realize, and maybe one day it’ll get them in legal trouble or torpedo a job application or just be embarrassing. It’s like talking to someone who has a huge piece of food stuck to their

“Islam is a rich, peaceful culture that respects women in its own way. It’s entirely possible to respect both Islamic laws and feminism at the same time.” As a closet ex-Muslim, I disagree with you. Islam does not respect women “in its own way” nor is it a peaceful religion. I hope you realize that Islam calls for the

Trying to figure out how to not chide, yet still undo the nails-on-chalkboard usage error. Maybe I just should have said something like “That tenant of Islam has it rough, but least he doesn’t have to pay interest if his monthly rent check is late.”

Why are you so angry? Many people just say “oops” and carry on.

I don’t seek to be that guy, but can we all get the ‘tenet’ and ‘tenant’ thing straight before this goes much farther?

<whispering gently> it’s “tenet.”

planning to expand the country’s economy... into tourism

neither. Anything else?


Is being a dick your hobby or do you get paid?

“And from what I can tell, the food customs that people from central and south america all actually have in common is fairly general, basically meat, rice, and vegetables.”