Can With No Name

I think Blockbuster was fatally stabbed by Netflix’s dvd rentals, not the streaming service; Blockbuster Online was a real competitor but BB screwed up the execution in a few key areas that let Netflix win.

There’s a difference here between the company and its employees. It may benefit workers to have reopened but might have significantly worsened the company’s cash flow.

OK, so you just don’t know what fancy legal terms like ‘evidence’ mean.

There are a lot of possible defenses that can be raised; Johnny Depp can also raise those defenses.

And, yeah, tabloids may not be reliable sources; but so far I haven’t heard any claims that they aren’t real. Maybe I missed some actual claim.

It sounds like you haven’t actually been following the details, then. There are telephone recordings of Amber Heard saying she hit Johnny Depp. (e.g., ‘Heard replied: “I can’t promise you I won’t get physical again. God, I f—-ing sometimes get so mad I lose it.’,

Shouldn’t it be filled with cheese or maybe a nice pumpkin filling if it’s ravioli?

Looking at the other nominations (Captain Vorpatril’s Alliance, Throne of the Crescent Moon, Blackout, and 2312), I’m not convinced it was a particularly strong year for best novel candidates. Although 2312 sounds interesting, I haven’t heard it referenced much since that Hugo slate.

Yes, yes, a short poem expressing distaste for a particular style of objectification is the perfect grounds to accuse someone of violent rage.  

I hated Redshirts. Any self-reflection it featured was skewed and cynical, as I recall, but I have no intention of ever re-reading it. Cline’s work is awkward but earnest.

Perhaps Joel Rosenberg’s Guardians of the Flame series (college kids start roleplaying, and suddenly find themselves in another world, inhabiting their characters’ bodies). 

Oddly, this review doesn’t seem to even link to the AV Club’s review of the first book (at least that I can see). To a certain extent, the reviews aren’t incompatible: the first review ended with “But for readers in line with Cline’s obsessions, this is a guaranteed pleasure.” As it became more popular, it reached

Yes, we all agree on that. But my friend wants me to ask you: what orifice is the right one? Or should my friend just start experimenting?

You have to glue the mustache on before the likeness is visible.

I have been meaning to try them for ages, because I just don’t think my teeth can handle hard jolly ranchers anymore. (And I have no self control; I always end up biting them). 

I too will go sugar free soon. Next week, maybe, or next month. If not then, next year. Definitely by 2030.

I wonder to what extent any such issues are tied to trying to distinguish this Superman from Supergirl. If it wants to distinguish itself, it has to be allowed to find its own voice (and Supergirl tied itself very much to some political themes, so those beats might feel already explored). The stories that Supergirl

Here’s a ball. Perhaps you’d like to bounce it?

Although even the first one had some really awkward world-building. That can only be blamed halfway on Rowling, because there were so many others involved from very early on.

Look, it’s not that he’s unsympathetic, but there’s a substantial dollar value attached to that installation. He’d like to let it go, but his hands are tied!

There’s always another Bush.

Johnny Storm and South Dakota disagree, too!