
I would really like to see a remake of I, Claudius with him as Caligula. Not just for the similar role. He kind of looks like him:

Tom Brady is no sentient Italian hoagie. Those have some spice and character to them. He’s like a sentient loaf of white bread.

This is hard, because I loathe Jake Paul but also can’t read that “like a respectful king” bit without cracking up.  Wtf does that even mean?  He treats his subjects well, I guess?

There is an interview with the woman who posted this job on slate that gives more info. The job pays 35-40 an hour - not including overtime, has benefits, Includes a car, and living in the pool house is optional (and it reads as rent free? Unclear). She admits she does want, basically, a wife. She’s a single mom, and

35-40 and hour, benefits, use of a car, and free rent if they want it according to the slate interview they gave. 

Bernie Bros* terrify me. I’m afraid that they will react in the exact same way this time if their messiah fails again to nab the nomination. That they will stay home, vote third party, or vote Trump. Because, really, how have they been harmed by the shitshow of the Trump administration? They’ll scream online again

I loved that show! And the chemistry between her and Botto was off the charts. Every show I like gets cancelled....

Wanna see Michelle Dockery in something that’s 180° away from Downton Abbey? Check out Good Behavior, a series she made for TNT for two seasons, 2016 and 2017 (I have no idea why they cancelled it). She’s a boozey drug addicted grifter with zero morals but lots of style, a hot boyfriend - and an American accent.

Counterpoint: That 80 minute battle in the middle of the night was the most satisfying episode of the last season. If every episode of the last season that that sort of resolution to a plot thread, I think everyone would have walked away much happier.

I think about this ALL the time when seeing women with short shorts sitting on subway seats. 

Concerning her ambivalence about having kids the one thing you’re forgetting is that back then people just sort of had kids because it was expected not necessarily because they wanted to. People didn’t stop and think about it, they didn’t question it, they just did it. You got married, you had kids, you grew old

It’s time to forgive Charles for his love for a woman his mother wouldn’t let him marry. We all loved Diana, but that relationship they were both forced into was destined to be a failure from the start. The real villain is not Charles, it’s the people who decided that they could impose an arranged royal marriage and

Please take this comment back to 1997 where it belongs.

Have you been there? They literally built the place to look like a plantation. The main house has one small restaurant and the check-in in it - it isn’t some large hotel. There is a circle of small cabins behind it. It is plantation cosplay for rich people. Source: I’ve been there hundreds of time over the past decade

My parents live at the Palmetto Bluff resort - don’t feel bad for the guests! First of all, yes, they are generally assholes. Second, the place is structured to look like an old slave plantation, with a literal ‘big house’ and slave cabins where the guests stay. Third, there are 4 pools and at least 5 restaurants. No

Thea is kicking butt again. I approve. That alone makes this season a success for me. I am hoping the shorter run will avoid the problems some of the past seasons have had.

Yeah, no, I cannot compute feeling “ire” at ever seeing a little girl who looks like this or having the nerve to compare this hairstyle—which looks like the girl just got out of soccer practice for fuck’s sake—to minstrel imagery.

This isn’t a new thing. I remember all the shit that Gabby Douglas got at the Olympics, mostly from older black women, for not having perfectly styled hair. Girl is doing a back flip on a piece of wood 4 inches wide and landing on one foot, who gives a fuck what her hair looks like?

There is some great talent in that category, but Alex Bornstein?  Really?  I don’t get it.  Her character is so one-note, and (as someone else pointed out) she didn’t have much to do in Season 2.  I mean, she’s great, but better than D’arcy Carden in this season of The Good Place?

The Washington Post reports that previously a parent took a photo of her backside and shared it with other parents