
For what little it is worth, the laws of succession changed a few years before Charlotte’s birth. As secondborn, she’s still a spare, but above Louis in line, anyway.

The royal family is not answerable for whatever cynically macabre one liners the press comes up with, and neither you or the press has no insight on why any member of the royal family decided to have any number of children.

That is some Lovecraftian ‘And The Crops Will Not Fail’ weirdness right there, but... racist?  I’m confused.

Look at you approaching this reasonably and appreciating nuance. Are you lost?

Probably an unpopular question, but one I have nonetheless:

I feel like it was pretty clear that Ellen’s question was rhetorical...

Fuck you, Trott, you fucking coward.

Despite the strong password spelling, I read that the baby’s name is Sasha Archangel 

It sounds like she didn’t appreciate the supportive comment Selena Gomez left her, so it’s definitely more than “drifted apart.” If a childhood schoolmate wrote me an encouraging note and I was asked about it I wouldn’t say  “But I’m not friends with her, so it felt …”

On the one hand, this article was in the works for a long time and had probably already been sent to the presses (and possibly even processed for mailing) before everything got shut down.

Trumpian levels of vulgarity and excess.

Ya know, in these trying times I’m not sure I’d be doing a brag on how I burn money just because I can. The house is hideous, but the disparity it points to is obscene. Mr Drake can spend his money however he wishes but the world is experiencing a monumental shift and his fuck-them swank and swagger makes me want to

Your ability to infer things that aren’t actually in statements is truly a monument to reading comprehension. Brava.

In a moment where the world is essentially on lockdown, and the rights of women in the U.S. are being run roughshod over in the dead of night, using coronavirus as a cover (See: the abortion bans in

So Watson uses her spotlight to spotlight things and, as per usual, Jezebel decides the best course of action is a snark piece.

You really ought to change the tagline of the blog from “A Supposedly Feminist Website” to “Not Even Really Pretending to Be A Feminist Website”.

dont forget uses drugs to get manipulate straight young men who are addicts into fucking and marrying him.

So An arrogant redneck with a persecution complex and who when one of his employees gets their arm ripped off, had time to throw on a paramedic jacket while they almost bleed to death, and wonder out loud if this is gonna “kill him financially”, is an asshole ? You don’t say !

trlgrl(2) specifically addressed it to Jezebel, and I suspect the editors will somehow see it here. And it’s long overdue. 

Will it finally make Kanye and his idiot rubber doll wife will go away???

As an obvious narcissist with a god complex, Kanye probably thinks he will literally die if people aren’t paying attention to him.  So no.  He will just get more erratic until people give him the attention he craves.
