
The little fucker. Disappearing without telling the people who love you where you’re going is never cute, especially not for a teenager.

Couldn’t they have made Winn find out about his father right after his song? Jeremy Jordan has the best voice in a cast filled with good voices! Maybe even a duet with Kara? Damn, Supergirl. You had one job.

Hah! I’ve been ordering like this since I was a kid: “slightly more than medium rare, somewhere between medium rare and medium, thanks!” Works perfectly. Probably worked better when I was a charming kid, but you can’t have everything in life.

YES. All of this, yes. I feel like they needed to shoehorn in one more ally departure so Oliver would be all alone, but Diggle should have known better. So first he’s suddenly upset that he can’t be the Green Arrow, even though he has his own superhero persona (which is gently pointed out to him); then, he realizes

Yes, nothing would thrill me more than seeing a ton of tiny Black Panthers, Shuris and Okoyes come Halloween, of all races. Kids always dressed up as superheros, and I can find no way that would better further the message than having white kids look up to those particular heroes. Damn, I want to be Shuri. But no black

Fuck. Alice. That is all.

*shakes fist* Damn you, Arrow, damn you to hell for taking Thea away from us!

Nope, I meant it, exactly for that reason. He’s set for life now.

Yep. His choices are blood-chillingly smart, it seems.

Why haven’t we seen her like this before?!? She’s never looked more beautiful.

I’m so confused by Riverdale this season. I don’t understand anybody’s motivations. Veronica and Hermione are completely different characters, unrecognizable from their first-season selves. Archie decides to side with Hiram... why, exactly? Because he loves Veronica? Becoming a junior mobster seems to be a little bit

I would have liked this website better if they hadn’t misspelled the name of quite famous actor Neusa Borges repeatedly on the wallpaper. Say her name, indeed.

She will be (as she is in real life) a Trump supporter. I can’t possibly put myself through that. I’m not saying it isn’t perfectly realistic, all things considered, but my I don’t need to watch a NYTimes-style Trumpsters Are Real People Too story turned into a TV show.

I absolutely adore this show and how every character shows growth and change that is fully consistent to who they are written to be. It’s not an easy feat.

I’m so glad you reviewed this episode! Thanks, AvClub! Now please return it to your regular schedule?

I don’t really know when this show got so much better than Arrow and Flash, combined, but I dig it.

This might not have been one of the best Lucifer episodes, but it was definitely one of the funniest. My main complaint, really, is that they killed off Abel, because I would have loved to see her/him around. Who knew Tom Welling had comedic chops?!? I really had no idea, but him as a petty brother with a grudge was

Wow. My dog never did anything to help my love life. Slacker.

See, this is my problem: to me, it feels more like bad writing than hypocrisy. The B Team didn’t leave because of inconsistencies in character of the A Team; they left because one of them sold Oliver out to the police. Then, they got all pissy because the A Team decided to save the damn city from a nuclear bomb

It’s official: I hate the B Team. Hate. They are so wrong in everything, I can’t even. Not that the A Team is doing much better, but none of this feud even makes sense. I don’t watch super hero shows because of their depth, but I do expect it to be fun, and it isn’t fun anymore.