
Can we NOT, Flash? Remember when this show was a delight? Because I’m starting to forget.

LOVE this movie. Love it. Must rewatch! Thanks for reminding me of it!

Well, he’s gotta pay the bills, just like the rest of us, and it’s not like he’s good for anything else, or any other company that was not founded by raging, bigoted nutjobs would ever give him a job. I’ve never such a perfect synergy between company, product, and person before.

“Can we stop vilifying women who aren’t doing Times Up well enough?”

Wasn’t Carrie’s sister a single mom with two young daughters? They got rid of one of her daughters and aged her up, didn’t they? And had her husband been mentioned before?

I don’t have any particular knowledge of the situation, but from what I read, everyone got along except for Kim. If it’s always someone else who’s the asshole... then maybe it’s you?

Team Rafael 4EVA.

It’s also pissing me off because I used to really like Echo Kellum’s character, and now they’re ruining Curtis.

Also, you whiny fuckers? Team Original was right. There’s a nuclear bomb threatening the city. You work together to get rid of it, not run off to save just one person. Dinah can go suck it, hopefully offscreen.

I don’t think I can take another scene of team Not-Arrow telling team Original Sauce “just because we worked together this once it doesn’t mean anything changed.”

I don’t know why I keep watching this show. It used to be a delight, but it hasn’t been fun for, what, at least two seasons now. At least they’re redeeming Barry a bit: remember when he was a useless moron? He seems to be more grounded this season.

Can’t WAIT for Constantine. I loved his arc in Arrow. I really wish they used him more often.

This episode pissed me off. Alex acted completely out of character. All that destruction and mayhem? Is all on her.

oh GOD, yes. I saw Rent with the original cast, way back when, and I totally fell in love with Idina. She was (is) a force of nature. But Maureen is an unredeemable jerk.  

Have you ever watched the show? They kinda did. They cross out part of the title every episode.

I’m not a fan of slash fiction, but it’s been thoroughly established that Lucifer is sexually fluid and attracted to men. I doubt Cain is not: considering all the time he’s been wandering the Earth, he likely sampled from everything. They share something no human could possibly understand. I really think the romantic

I hate myself for loving this kind of blatant fan service so much, but this episode hit all the right notes for me. I even loved the Kryptonite moment.

Wow. Paul Zindel. Haven’t thought of him in decades. I remember loooving A Star for the Latecomer back in the 80s.

Possibly one of my least-favorite The Good Place episodes. It’s still pretty damn good, but not as amazing as it can be. There were some weird character beats that just didn’t fit: we’re supposed to think that only Eleanor changed? Chidi was specifically told his indecisiveness was his worst sin; he is intelligent

Wait, we’re supposed to be “proud of America”? American here, and I am very much not.