
In México and Argentina, taco or tortilla*. And a tortilla maker (tortillera) is fairly crude slang for a lesbian; also concha (shell) in Argentina — and to Argentines’ great delight, in other parts of Latin America, there are women named conchita. Juvenile humour knows no borders.

Oh lord, you’re talking about Harper, aren’t you? I kept reading about his administration’s suppression of science and wondered if our countries had switched places for a while there. That makes me so fucking angry that reports were just thrown out.

Federal scientist here. The raw data we collect has to go through a time-consuming check/approval process before it’s fit for public consumption because people rely on that data for recreation/agriculture/infrastructure/construction. Our data is also collected and transmitted via telemetry, which like NASA’s, isn’t

Not to mention, no that is not what everybody else is thinking.

Nah. I’m pretty certain eldritch abominations like Trump predate our universe.

...Oh my GAWD.

Lies. One of those creatures pictured above is beautiful and intelligent, with complicated social behaviors. The other one writes notes to magazine editors in gold sharpie about the size of his hands.

“he’s just saying what everyone else is thinking”

Would you rather he chose to look like Paul Ryan?

Yep, you have to bookmark it, just to remind yourself of what we’re dealing with.

PERFECT explanation my friend. A * for you!

Oh, that barely scratches the surface. Here’s a compendium of his tweets. I pity the poor folks who have to keep this updated:

Amazing, right?

Please. If he could shape-shift, that would mean that he’s chosen to look like he does.

To be fair, that sign is smarter than Trump so I say we listen to it.

It’s a pun. They’re always that bad.

“I never said six!”

I once followed Aretha Franklin onto the Freeway of Love, and it was anything but free. Cost me a house and a car. If the internet is anything like that, I’m staying away! Burned once, twice shy, and all that.

Say I wanted to get on this “internet” thing, where would I go? Does it have slow lanes for those of us who don’t want to speed on the high-speed highway thingamajob? Do I need a license? Will anyone know where I went if I get lost? Will there be snacks? Can I take my dogs?