
I think you need to do some more reading on surrogacy before posting again. “It’s not intended to be a primary source of income” is what people say about jobs at McDonald’s, too. There’s a reason many developing countries have banned surrogacy, for starters. I don’t think speaking about surrogacy like it’s limited to

why is there a need to ethically cull desire when most people doing this only have 1 or 2 kids at most (which is a replacement value)?

I’m a white woman, but grew up poor. Not what most people consider poor, which is to me “poor lite,” but really, really rural and isolated and poor. I’ve experienced periods of starvation before I was five that have permanently harmed my health. I didn’t have tv. I didn’t have access to healthcare. 

Is it really her choice when her husband in India sends her to carry a child for the price of new tv and a couch?

That is exploitation.

I’m concerned (not hand-wringingly so) about both the compensation and the systemic reasons why a woman would choose to become a surrogate. As in, would they make different choices if there were other viable income options that paid livable wages? 

As 31-weeks-pregnant-lady I don’t see why a woman shouldn’t be able to consent to help out others who can’t carry a child.  That being said, as a 31-weeks-pregnant lady, $45k sounds like fucking peanuts to put someone through this.

I almost don’t see the point in bringing up Kim Kardashian more than once because she’s so obviously going to be an exception to the average experience. And taking umbrage at her not inviting the surrogate to the baby shower honestly feels... like a too-easy criticism here. I think it could equally be seen as cruel to

Local Firefighter Jack “Murph” Murphy is quoted as saying “Well, we would normally go in there, but I conferred with Jimmy and Johnny, and we concluded that this is not a rescuable situation.” 

What exactly do these stories have to do with the kid in this case?

According to Pennsylvania Child Abuse laws, this is not just an assault but considered child abuse. 

Mesh sponge: the reason I don’t have to shave my arms and legs when I get cement and flooring glue on them. Got to replace them monthly because of bacteria though.

Future Karmic News: We are sad (not really) to report that former child beater-upper Thomas D’Andrea was found crushed to death up against a set of local park equipment. From the police report, a fully-loaded lumber truck seemingly went out of control at high speed on a nearby street and then slammed into poor tommy,

My God, there is no excuse to do this to a child.  EVER. 

This guy deserves all the bad shit thats coming his way. 

I wasn’t aware that there were people who deliberately skipped washing their legs.  I’ve never taken a shower without washing my legs. 

I quit this app months ago precisely because of the latent racism and paranoia about any stranger within 500 feet of some lady’s house.

I’m white and have never heard this as a white thing. Frankly, have never heard this at all. I don’t do social media though and now I know why.

This has got to be some kind of youth phenomenon. I’ve been white for decades, and I’ve never heard of anybody not washing their legs.

I think this is the first time I’ve heard of this (the not washing your legs) as a white thing. Typically I’ve heard it being a general man thing.

That said, memes and other shit like this is why I take the time to wash my legs.