
Because sex and gender are conflated, when it is advantageous, and if you dare point that out, you’ll be called a “terf”, and told to f-off and die (or some variation of that).

You might find the little one kicks more at night or when you are at rest. A trick I heard somewhere was to drink cold water (or eat ice cream) and see if it wakes baby, causing them to kick.

Im in a similar rut (as far as wanting to lose a little weight). For that, I suggest diligently researching any diet you think you might like to try. Don’t just think any old diet will work for you, because someone else says it worked for them. On another note, if you find you can drink less (I assume you mean

I like to make large batches of soup, or chili con carne, or chicken curry, then freeze it in smaller quantities - and just thaw portions as needed for those days when I do not want to be turning the oven on.

Just make yourself an earthquake preparedness kit, and hope for the best. I’m on the west coast (but up north, in Canada) and that’s the advice we keep hearing. Have some food, water, flashlights & batteries, and a phone number out of province/state that you and all your friends/family can call so you can all let each

... welp, she moved up here to Canada, where we do not put raisins in our potato salad - so her idea of "good" potato salad might differ from the typical white American "good" potato salad.

I think we absolutely should be pushing adoption over surrogacy. Even using environmental impact, could work. Why make brand new humans, with all the harms that will bring to the environment (forget the harms it brings to the individual pregnant woman), when there are ready-made humans available to be loved and

Baseball bats without an accompanying glove and ball would be treated as a weapon, thus justifying police brutality or this man's brutality against children. So if you advise kids to start carrying bats, advise them also to carry one baseball, and a couple should have baseball gloves - to make it clear they are just a

Sounds like this guy has friends who are police officers, so it wouldn't be particularly helpful for you to physically intervene - from a legal standpoint. But definitely do intervene if you see an adult assaulting a child. Whether the kid was vandalizing an abandoned car or just standing near it, a grown man should

Maybe the father was restrained in his response, because he realized if he assaulted this white guy who was clearly assaulting his child - the police would most definitely twist it around to say the criminal in this case was the real victim. A father is hardly helping if he is locked up for a crime he didn’t commit

I suspect since it's on twitter, it is not representative of the average "wypipo". I most certainly wash my whole self in the shower. I'm a mom, so if I wasn't thorough, I'd be sure to miss baby spew or a random cheerio in my hair or something. As for the hand washing... I don't get that one either. My hands require

I highly recommend IKEA furniture for the kid's room. It's inexpensive, but sturdy enough (just remember to anchor furniture to walls so any adventurous child doesn't get hurt from climbing).

The guides for setting up economical weddings tend to be blogs written by brides who had a lot of help, and access to a lot of freebies (like their parents offering up their half-acre farm for ceremony & reception site). Just google “how-to organize a small wedding”, then whittle it down to what you feel you

I found washcloths work just as well as anything else. I got thin cheap ones that probably wouldn't last long if used as washcloths. As tiny pee absorbers, they work great, and I get to feel like a smug tree hugger for using at least one thing that isn't a single-use item (like the diapers and wipes).

A cheap 12 pack of flimsy washcloths works well too, and may be a wee bit less iffy for the environment than pee-soaked coffee filters. But I guess that depends how much you want or don't want to be washing baby things soaked in all their excretions.

I second that unsolicited advice. Even when we check that it’s pointing down, my son still manages to have the occasional escape artist pee. I’ve given up trying to figure out how or why it is happening, and just make sure to seat/lay him down on seats/surfaces that are removable and washable.

I suppose the old advice to live within your means, applies to weddings. My (common law) husband and I are having an... economical wedding... not because we wanted it so much, but because certain parents are a little uncomfortable with the two of us “living in sin” with our kids being born out of wedlock (so

Drug lords recruit kids straight out of high schools. It wouldn’t be a huge stretch to think they might gladly recruit androgynous looking kids to confuse facial recognition software. I recall a short docuseries hosted by John Cleese on the subject. He was able to fool the technology with as little as wearing a

You might be right, if her preventative care was limited to advising new mothers on how to breastfeed their new babies or how to correctly measure formula (ie not cutting the powder in half to save money... which is a huge problem in poor communities, where formula is pushed on new mothers with nonsense about it being

I think it would be better to teach everyone to love themselves as they are, and not hate themselves for their "flaws". Plastic surgery should probably be reserved for people who have serious physical deformities, that cause them tremendous emotional pain - not just some little tween who as internalized that she needs