
Here’s a perfectly good reason to reject social media altogether, and if you take the odd selfie now and then - keep it to yourself, don’t edit the thing so that it no longer even looks like you, and post it all over Instagram. Women are harshly judged enough as it is, we don’t need to be giving men another avenue by

For a second I thought no one would mention the garlic press, which makes using fresh garlic so simple and easy. It’s only slightly inconvenient if you forget to give it a rinse before any remaining garlic bits dry up and get stuck like glue.

To be fair, some babies slurp a little louder than folks might like, and if the mother’s let-down reflex is strong (as it generally is in the beginning) it can make the baby pop off the breast to cough and catch their breath - thus allowing milk to spray... so if two people share a cubicle, and one has a baby to

On behalf of the whiny parents, I am sorry. I attended a wedding nearly 4 months after giving birth to my first kiddo, and it was tough - but I planned ahead, so kiddo would be fed and safe with my mom, and never once considered complaining about it to the newlyweds.

The ability to spot that a toilet needs scrubbing is definitely not coded in our DNA. Whether we stand or sit to pee, is. 

It's basically dollar-store makeup, with all the same dangerous ingredients, at a higher price point.

Sounds like it’s for the best that you two broke up. You kept something important about yourself secret from her, and when you revealed it to her she was not willing/able to empathize or take on the risk that your intrusive thoughts could potentially turn into dangerous actions (you might think you would never act on

Sex is not a spectrum. You can maybe say all the intersex conditions that exist, are the “spectrum” between the binary ends - but that leaves out all trans, non-binary, and gender nonconforming people. This is precisely why it is said that sex and gender are not the same. When talking about the biology of lab rats, we

That’s great that carrying your babies worked for you. Those of us with only two arms, or with hidden disabilities may need those ridiculous strollers and car seats to give our arms a break or free up our hands to pay the restaurant or grocery bill.

Also, pedestrians should consider not dressing in the exact same colours as the street. It may be very chic et de bon gout, but it's not worth dying for.

I believe women who choose to continue pregnancy, with the knowledge that the fetus is not going to live - think clasping their hands together and wishing really hard, will change the outcome. And if it doesn’t, it’s a test of their faith from whichever deity they believe in. Gods apparently never give people more

I don’t know if anti-choice folks ever think their anti-choice beliefs through to their logical conclusion. My mother had several incomplete miscarriages between having my older brother and then me. Had she been denied the D&C, she might have died from infection and I would never have been born. My children would also

It looks like they (all the sources I found) used the exact same quote, edited in the exact same way in order to “prove” Sanger was literally killing black babies, as in performing the abortions herself like a mad doctor. So this Blown2k guy didn’t actually read the book himself, he just stole an already craftily

It looks like it comes from a really sketchy blog. I would share the link, but my phone says it isn't safe. If you want to find it anyway, look up "the silver lake conspiracy", and you'll see he took the whole edited quote, and the page number directly from that site. Either that, or he took it straight from

That’s funny, dude, since that phrase doesn’t come up in a simple search as being uttered by Sanger. But it does show up in a paper written by a John S. Haller Jr., regarding the now-debunked theory of polygenesis. While that theory was used to justify American slavery & the holocaust, it doesn't appear that Sanger

Mental health has everything to do with this. The victim was schizophrenic, which is hard enough on it's own. In addition to a mental health issue, she had prior contact with law enforcement, which at least in the US is a recipe for disaster. On top of that, she was black. The only way this could have gone

She might not have been lying. She was schizophrenic, so perhaps she was entering menopause and didn’t realize what the absence of her period meant.

Im not a law enforcement officer, nor am I American, but yes there absolutely should be another option aside from using deadly force. Now, in a perfect world, all police officers would be level headed, and all civilians approached by officers would simply comply then get on with their day (whether that means being

The lesson here is that American police officers are not trained to deal with people who are schizophrenic. This woman was not pregnant, but she was mentally ill. The cop should have known that much, if he already knew she had warrants. 

No, Planned Parenthood was started by Margaret Sanger - who was pro-pill and anti-abortion. Yes, she was a eugenicist, but no she did not advocate aborting black foetuses. So this “movement” as you’re calling it, started because Mrs. Sanger saw the need for women to control their reproduction (hence the name birth