
Yes, they should have ongoing psych evaluations (and treatment for PTSD, as I suspect a large number of American police officers might be not only racist & sexist, but also many are suffering from some form of post traumatic stress that causes them to see even the most non-threatening people as imminent threats). They

This situation would probably send a pro-life person into an infinite loop of confusion. She was black so they wouldn’t care about her, but she was claiming to be pregnant which they’d care about (at least until the little miracle was born because that’s when they become not a miracle but a burden on society), she was

Considering the fact* that just about everyone in America is probably armed to the teeth (including criminals), the British model of unarmed police wouldn’t work so well. You silly Americans need to address your sick love of firearms, before you can remove guns from police officers.

If anyone mentions it, just say he is with his kids, because he is a responsible father. If they don't like that, that's their problem not yours.

I definitely dress like that. The button up plaid shirt is very useful as it leaves access to the food source for new babies, and the pattern makes you feel like you've put slightly more than zero effort into getting dressed nicely. I find compared to more stylish fast-fashion tops, plaid button up shirts stand up to

They are different words, that mean the same thing...

How about having separate scholarships, and sports teams, and washroom facilities for trans individuals - so that everyone is accommodated, and no one has to feel at risk of harassment or assault? It seems a little arbitrary to put a number of years since transition, or the person has to fuck off. There could be any

It’s their birth sex, not their birth gender, and yes if they have gone through puberty before transitioning trans women have irreversible advantages for sports, and trans men have disadvantages.

That seems to be a major concern for a lot of folks who’ve been labeled “terf”. I was definitely upset about being a girl when I was a child, after learning that being female meant having menstrual periods, and giving birth (which I’ve done twice now, and still think it’s pretty awful), and being paid less than my

Since I’ve been labeled a terf already, maybe I can answer that question. A right that women have fought/are fighting for is bodily autonomy. That would mean the right to say no to a male gynecologist, or to only be searched/patted down by an officer/TSA agent of the same sex (not gender identity), or to choose an

You are confusing sex and gender. Sex is biological, so to explain it in age-appropriate terms, you say boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. Likey, they will say "ok" then move on to something significantly more interesting to them. Gender is sex based stereotypes, that are total hogwash. Kids of either sex can

What attention (aside from threats of rape, beatings, or death)? and what money? Maybe, if you stopped to listen to a woman erroneously labeled “terf” (or “fart” if you are hip to the new lingo), you might find she has valid concerns.

My husband threw his back out once, which he did need to take pain medication for, but after he officially healed he found stretching helped ease the ache. You just have to be consistent with it. He found it best to stretch in the mornings, but you might find stretching before bed helps to reduce night time achiness.

A 50/50 split can work well for the child/ren. I know because that was what my parents did (and I managed never to leave anything important behind on the switch over day). That being said, it wouldn’t necessarily work for all parents. For example, I knew a kid whose parents were divorced like my own, but her dad was a

If she will take a smoothie mix, maybe she will accept formula. That might be the best thing for during the day, if she won't take breast milk during the day. Or if you are good with experimenting in the kitchen, you could try mixing breast milk with soft introductory foods - to make your own specially formulated

Thats assuming we Canadians are all good enough to tip our servers. I worked in food service, and the majority of my "tips" were in the form of sexist advice (as in, I heard "here's a tip, smile more" more times than I recieved money for good service... I think I'd have smiled more if those folks were good tippers...

My mum just dealt with a moth infestation. She had to repeat the process a couple of times, because you can’t catch all the little eggs in all the cleanup, so whatever eggs you missed will hatch. Just invest in some good plastic containers for bulk food items (unfortunately using bag clips or elastic bands just won't

You've just stumbled upon that inconsistency that got Terry Crews into some Twitter trouble. Yes, for #3 to be true, we must also apply the logic to trans gender individuals. Premise #2 can still work with premise #3. We just need to rework it to say we accept people for who they are, and bite our tongues when they

Do remember muscles weigh more than fat, so the number on the scale is next to meaningless. Just keep doing what you're doing with good diet and exercise, and forget about the number on the scale.

Better yet, pre-natal caregivers classes, where parents and anyone else who will be caring for the newborn (like grandparents who likely have very outdated information - like not too long ago, parents were told to put baby to sleep on their stomach... now we know that's bad, but maybe granny doesn't know) can learn