
For IDing passengers, and for knowing how to address an individual correctly (‘sir’ or ‘maam’ or some gender neutral term).

No IDs display gender. They only show one’s sex. Some folks need us to conflate the two, to keep this argument going. In reality ones sex cannot be changed, even with surgery. But for the purposes of government issued IDs, the sex shown on the ID should correspond to the gender not the biological sex of the

Ooh, that's clever. I see what you did there!

You are woefully mistaken about that. Of course the Canadian government is just as much “owned by corporations” as your government. That doesn’t stop our doctors from seeing us when we need them to. Trust me when I say getting healthcare without going into debt, is so much better than dying from some

Any advice for repotting an orchid? The roots are definitely more sturdy looking, so I don’t think I should be trimming them (unless they are showing signs of root rot - but even then I don’t know the right way to trim them). I was gifted one 2 years ago, and managed to keep it alive so far, through one repotting

Never been in that situation, but I’m going to suggest treating it like ripping off a bandaid. You are engaged, so I’m guessing your current partner expects to marry you at some point (maybe you two have started that process of wedding planning and that’s what led you to the realization that you aren’t a good fit?).

I know that’s not exactly how foraging works, and yes men gather and women hunt too. I’ve just noticed a trend among the hetero couples that I know, where it is the women who can smell all the smells (good & bad), and the men who either can’t or aren’t bothered by those smells. I thought that was interesting. At least

Now I wonder how much truth there is to the idea that women have evolved a more acute sense of smell (all that gathering of vegetation would have been useless if we couldn't distinguish between safe & poisonous berries after all). I’ve had the exact same discussion with my husband, about chicken. I’m always wary of

Try cooking in large batches, then freeze it. That way, it's cooked already so you don't have to worry quite as much about dangerous bacteria making it go bad as it thaws, and it makes life easier when you have no time or the will to cook dinner.

You can never be too careful. I’ve decided if my husband and I ever part ways, I’ll basically take a vow of celibacy, because another man is not worth the risk to myself or my children.

My earlier good faith attempt to comment to you seems to have disappeared... all I said was that it is difficult to have good faith discussions on the topic, since it is so personal to all folks, trans or cis. What I meant (& I thought that was clear) was that this topic being personal makes it difficult to look at it

No, gender critical is what feminists call recognizing a difference between sex and gender - and fighting to eradicate gender roles, so that trans folks and gender nonconforming folks (and frankly the rest of us) can all live their lives happily, without having to conform one way or another. But hell, what do I know -

Good, those folks need to be yelled at. Someone tossed their dog’s rather large droppings into my recycling bin, and for several weeks the garbage collectors refused to take either my garbage or recycling. It made the summer a very smelly and unpleasant time.

There is no such thing as a good faith debate on this topic, since it is deeply personal for all of us - cis or trans.

Oh I know it makes no sense, and yes it's totally unethical (I believe it's illegal in Canada, but I'm sure even here one can find a doctor who would accept an envelope full of cash to set aside their ethics). I was totally baffled the first time I heard my sister make that claim, that having a baby at 8 months would

I made one of these for my preschooler. It seems to work well at that age. I can't imagine it working so well on the average teenager.

Yes they come from being pregnant. That is why very vain women may want the option of being sliced open earlier than their due date, so they can maybe avoid the unsightly marks (which is totally illogical, since a c-section will leave a mark of its own).

Yes, my sister is one of those crazy ladies who believes an elective c-section is a great alternative to vaginal delivery. She heard somewhere that delivering your baby at 37 weeks at the latest, is a great way to prevent stretch marks. She also fears all the messiness of a vaginal delivery, including the possibility

I have to assume those who say C-sections are “easier” are folks who’ve never given birth, and who assume vaginal tearing is significantly more painful than major abdominal surgery. That and some ladies fear having a bowel movement in front of doctors and the horror of stretch marks, so they assume an elective

This might sound odd, but try tahitian dancing. It can help get baby redirected (assuming baby is not already pointing bum down). And it helps get baby low in the pelvis which is good for labor too.