
Eep, I forgot to post AGAIN but I promised I’d check in on SNS this week so I hope someone finds me!!

Make the guest room the antique room. Give the new bed to the kid, also inexpensive kid furniture. If your foster kid is old enough, s/he will appreciate something NEW. The case worker will see that you cared enough to make it a real kids’ room.

I am in need of some opinions. I have been getting ready to foster/ adopt a child, and am getting close to the home inspection part of the process. The thing is that I have my mother’s old bed which is a replica of an antique, but is also old enough to be an antique and would be fine for a kid that is elementary to

I have good news to share as well friendos! I’ve been teaching my friend Christopher* to read and write properly, because he’s nearly 28 and couldn’t read at all. Monday night he rang me and shrieked that for the first time in his life he’d bought a book, put his sisters to bed, then sat down and read the whole thing

You’re still in the mourning process for your friend, and if the first anniversary is coming up, that may be triggering the grief to well up again. That’s very common.

Right? He also had the nerve to ask through one of those disappearing photo things that you can send text on in addition to photos. So I don’t have the actual proof of it, but the stupidity stands.

I accidentally took a screenshot of the ab photo (the iPhone makes it unbelievably easy to take inadvertent screenshots

It’s funny. I’m sitting out on the porch, at night, responding to SNS. I’m enjoying the rich, dark fruitiness and spice of Michael David’s Petit Petit Shiraz that I got for $13 at Costco. You know what I’m NOT doing? I’m not smoking. I started my Chantix a couple of weeks ago. I’ve still had a smoke here or there,

Did they ask your children to keep it a secret from you? If so there is no way I’d let that slide. Even if they didn’t explicitly tell them to lie but hinted that you’d disapprove and encouraged them not to tell you. It sets a bad precedent.

Fun miscellaneous stuff from this week:

Have you thought about supporting a political candidate you like? Being part of the volunteer team with like minded folks might be cool. 

I need advice/perspective. My folks take my kids on a mini trip every summer. This year, without notification or permission, they took the kids on a side trip to the Noah’s Ark and Creation Museum in KY. They spent most of the time telling them all about how only dumb people believe in evolution, fossils are fiction, s

Happy Canada Day weekend to my fellow Canucks! How is everyone celebrating? I will be alternating between lying out on the beach with SPF 40 and swimming in the lake. My road rash has finally scabbed over so I don’t have to worry about sand getting into it. Hooray!

She is very shy. I’m pretty much letting her come to me. Thursday she stared at me from the stairs while I worked from home and then that night the roommate and I were down here so she came down and allowed some petting. So we have established that I am friend.

My new roommates have both moved in. They both seem very nice and I haven’t had to call 911 yet so we’re way ahead of the last one. There are some growing pains with rearranging everything. I’ve lived alone for over a year and before that there was just two of us so three people is quite a change. Also I’m not totally

The husband is out of town at a conference (he saw the Orange Cheeto ‘s motorcade yesterday, so yes, he’s in S. Korea). I’m sure his absence is causing me to go back to my bachelorette days. Last night, I made pasta carbonara and watched some of the first season of True Detective before our cable crapped out for

As a former nanny, I’m always happy to hear about extra education. We could definitely use more in the US, as well as more sex education. *sigh* 

Europe’s getting a heatwave, so I’m hoping we escape it... Anything past like 27C, so your current temperature or higher, is a “heatwave” in Ireland. Literally, people take off work, people jump in the river, there are frantic updates on the news, etc.

(Emily, can you please ungrey me? I would really appreciate it!!)

~☆~ Pregnancy Thread! ~☆~

Boys are much more dangerous than girls. Girls just kind of dribble out. Boys can be like the Bellagio Fountain. There’s no “preventing”. All you can do is be fast and try not to make it as bad.

It’s well-known that when you teach kids the right words for their parts they’ll be better able to articulate if someone touches them inappropriately. Why do conservatives want children to stay silent about being molested? It’s kind of creepy when you think about it.