
The teacher with the allergy is a woman, the man who attacked the child is a school administrator who was acting principal that day.

Another source says a teacher threw herself on top of the student to protect the student from this huge adult man who was punching her... so I don’t believe for one second that this administrator guy fell by accident.

Clearly he needs a few refresher courses, to remind him that 11 year olds will talk back, and that at no point is it ever ok to punch that kid or yank out hair.

Something is unclear here. Your introductory paragraph says it was the teacher with the allergy who did the tackling and who was put on administrative leave. But the account given by the mother of the victim tells us it was a school administrator. So was the teacher punished for the actions of the administrator?

The only problem with giving him jail time, would be that real victims who suffer hate crimes will see this as yet another reason not to report. Either their own assaults will not seem as big a violation as this alleged assault, or they’ll fear the lack of supporting evidence could put them at risk of jail,

Make sure to keep your iron levels up. That helps with the increased blood production and should reduce the sleepiness (though only slightly if you are lucky like me). And you have to keep drinking plenty of water, particularly if you use an iron supplement, or you'll have a hard time going to the toilet.

My husband is making bangers 'n mash. It's only his second attempt, but the first attempt was delicious so I'm expecting it to be just as good.

As a mom who exclusively breastfed for an amount of time that would probably make some folks uncomfortable, I want to make it clear - fed is best. If you can't breastfeed, for whatever reason (even if it seems silly to some other mom) you do what you have to do to keep yourself feeling well and keep your baby fed &

Cravings definitely make for funny stories. I called my first little one my cheesey potato baby, because all I could stomach for the first trimester was just cheese and potatoes.

Thats lovely news! Here’s hoping the pain continues to lessen, so you get to enjoy being pregnant (and eating all the cheese! or whatever else strikes your fancy!).

Your initial interpretation was correct. The OP called white women “falsely accusing” black men “as American as apple pie” - so clearly it was not a commentary on white women who happen to have been assaulted by a male POC being treated well or better than female POC who happen to have been assaulted. He was quite

An untreated UTI? or maybe a chronic kidney infection? Or it was just BS to excuse taking this poor child to a room where she could close the door to beat him in relative private.

So you think he put a noose around his own neck, and poured bleach on himself, for what reason? We know for sure something happened. His rib was bruised, and he was covered in bleach crystals (a very simple google search will tell you that bleach does freeze, and the caustic ingredients in bleach crystalize - it was

He has a bruised rib, not a cracked or broken rib. He would not be cleared to perform if he had a broken rib.

Yes, they stay flagged even if you dismiss them. The dismiss button just puts their post out of sight, so you don't have to read it again.

She recommended against that line of pregnancy/parenting books specifically. I think she said those books just scare the crap out of first-time parents, and leave pregnant women in particular feeling really scared about worst possible scenarios (like emergency c-sections, and episiotomies, and babies in breech

That detail has not been retracted, it was not initially reported - because Smollett didn't remember it until a later interview with police. That is a very common thing that happens to victims of crimes.

Of course it leaves more questions than answers, that’s the nature of reported crimes (and by “reported” I am only referring to those which are reported to police, not reported by news outlets). Most lay people don’t have even the most basic understanding of how police investigations work, or how victims of crimes can

My midwife recommended against reading any of those “What To Expect...” books. Apparently they are not particularly informative, and may be full of misinformation.

Congratulations! I’m past my due date with my second kiddo, so I’m sending the strongest of good ol’ preggo-lady vibes, and wishing you the most pleasant pregnancy.