
For a high iron vegetarian recipe, I’d suggest a spinach salad, with beets, tofu, and orange slices. Those first three ingredients are iron rich foods on their own, and orange slices (or any citrus fruit) should help with iron absorption. You should also be avoiding calcium (so no dairy , or calcium fortified milk

Native Americans were mad because this woman dared to take a DNA test showing she had some native ancestry as she had been led to believe through family lore - because there is a fear that others might also think doing that will allow them to benefit in some way, from tribal membership (though a rinky-dink DNA test

As I’ve understood it, you would be allowed to identify as American or Portuguese-American if you wanted to, since you were born there to parents who immigrated to the US. Since the US is a “cultural melting pot”, any culture or heritage coming from outside your borders gets erased rather quickly. Your son would not

Ah yes, that’s the prosperity gospel at work. ‘Cause you know if you’re poor or hungry, it means you didn’t pray hard enough! And for atheist libertarians, the key is to WORK harder - because that always results in higher pay, affordable housing, affordable childcare, proper access to medical care etc... except of

Just give it a minute, and some libertarian will probably point to this as proof of the invisible hand working, and say Americans don't need social safety nets (like welfare, or shelters) because someone with a little know-how will always be able to swoop in and save the day.

I did not say he was lying, nor did I suggest he was not attacked. Victims of crimes are very good at recalling incorrect/irrelevant details and ribs do not just spontaneously break unless one has a verifiable medical condition rendering their bones brittle as dried twigs (considering how young he is - I doubt very

I don’t think any reasonable folks would claim an attack did not occur - his rib didn’t break itself, and I’d guess it would be very difficult to fake a broken rib and get medical attention for a broken bone that isn’t actually broken (unless American nurses and doctors really are that bad at their jobs).

Is it a gift card that has a time limit on it? If so, be a little miffed at your husband because he messed up. But if it doesn’t have a time limit on it, don’t be too mad, just let him know he has to do all the cleaning around the house until he finds it, and that the next time he is gifted a gift card - it goes in

You gotta read books (not parenting books), or watch tv, or do yoga, or knit something complicated. You have a few more weeks to go to find out if baby is sticking around, and it can’t be good for you to be worrying the whole time (since worrying will not change the outcome one bit). I survived a high risk pregnancy,

Im glad I could help. I spent a lot of time reading product reviews in order to make my own list of must-haves, for my first little one. It was a great way to de-stress, when everything else feels so beyond your control. I never ended up having a baby shower, so it was nice having a list to shop from, and because I

They should buy some new stuff for the baby, but only do it after the 12-13 week point (that's usually when you know baby is sticking around and you can safely announce the pregnancy). Even if they don't know whether it's a girl or a boy, they can still buy necessary items in gender-neutral colours. For now the

You might want to run this by actual Canadians, before spreading misinformation. The costs of a prescription for an antibiotic, for example, are definitely not comparable to the $233 price tag listed in this article. I think the most I’ve had to spend out of pocket, was a measly $12 (so that would be less, if you

Well, from the short blurb above it looks like they just want trans people to get the sex reassignment surgery so that their sex and gender match, thereby curing them of their gender dysphoria hopefully - in order to get legal recognition of their gender (not their sex) on legal documents. Sterility just happens to be

The logic seems to be in the fact that a person with gender dysphoria would want the surgery - that also happens to cause sterility, as a result - to “cure” the dysphoria. If someone wants to have their gender identity and their diagnosis recognized, it would make perfect sense for them to seek the treatment that

They certainly had me fooled. Unfortunately, there are people who talk like that, and demand that biologically female humans (aka “cis women”) not talk about things like pregnancy or periods unless we pretend that trans women also experience those things... because it “excludes” trans women. I’m all for inclusivity,

It’s not transphobic to acknowledge that it is the female sex that has the ability to gestate our young. It is not the male sex that does this. Trans men who still have their uterus, and choose to reverse their transition temporarily for baby-making purposes, are not left out of the discussion - because they are still

I second the idea that you should try to avoid a big move anywhere near the due date. I moved two weeks postpartum. It was tough. I do not recommend it if it can be avoided. If it cannot be avoided, plan ahead to get rid of unnecessary stuff beforehand. And pack strategically, so that things you need immediately are

Now I feel better about getting 7/10. I too am Canadian, and I last learned about MLK roughly 15 years ago, so it's nice to know some of that knowledge stuck. If this quiz was about Malcolm X, on the other hand - I would have failed miserably.

Those teens probably wouldn’t see the irony at all. Most likely, they believe first nations/native Americans should "return" to reserves. The irony is lost on them, because they never learned about a time before reserves existed, and even if they did their catholic schooling taught them that it was all "god's will"

I don’t have endometriosis, so I can’t say I get it - but I am due to give birth soon, which is itself a pretty scary thing, even though I've done it before and it didn't kill me. Like you, I have been freaking out just a wee bit, about all possible post-hospital complications. I suggest you look up some statistics on