
But we have that “Safe third country” agreement with the US. Since this man tried to get asylum in the totally legal (not even the dumbest trump supporter could argue against that) way, in the us - he will be turned away from Canada. That's why a lot of Canadians want to get rid of that agreement, so that we can

You are completely wrong about that. Science is the reason we know it IS a clump of cells, that divide and multiply to either form a viable foetus or not a viable foetus. It is not called a baby until it is born, unless you are being unscientific, or appealing to emotion rather than using facts. Don't be one of those

What’s there to be confused about? The driver is white and was clearly visible to the victims, and the shooter is black and was not noticed by the victims at the time of the shooting. It’s improbable that one person could drive the vehicle without causing a crash and simultaneously shoot at his intended target with

It precisely because the early Christians stole those pagan traditions, to force pagans into the flock. And it’s spelled “wreath”... a reef is something in the ocean, that is being killed off by global warming. Wreaths are just another thing you can waste precious energy worrying about, and have it criticized by your

Maybe she just does that for the cameras, or maybe she is just like us common folk, who reflexively cradle our bumps when the little one stretches. I’m a few months ahead of her, and I definitely do the cradling thing when my little guy does the starfish. I also gasp for air just a wee bit, and wince in pain when it

Invest in a meat thermometer, and look up best cook times for the cut of meat, and baking it will not result in a food-poisoning incident or dry as bones peices of meat.

It’s a stuffing recipe, so the waffles are likely taking the place of bread peices. And the recipe does call for salt and pepper, so I wonder if this woman got used to making this dish for some family members with specific dietary restrictions, and got used to telling everyone to add whatever quantity of salt and

You are not required to apply for EI if you don't want it, though as a person who has never qualified for it I can't see why you wouldn't take it if it's available to you - unless you are incredibly wealthy or have another lucrative job already lined up.

Maybe they misheard, or it was said before they started recording. I've got terrible hearing, so I can't hear much of anything being said by the white woman in the clip - particularly at the beginning.

Yeah, the Popeye’s threw me off, as did the Funyans. I don’t think we have Popeye’s in Canada, so I assumed it was a general insult to poor folks who have little choice about where to get dinner - particularly in food desserts, where fresh food is too expensive and inaccessible to those without a car and huge

This is why I asked if this is a regional thing. I’ve never heard of Hot Cheetos (guessing from the name alone, I assume they are just Cheetos with spicy faux cheese as opposed to the original orange powdery stuff). And I thought Takis were Taquitos - a vaguely Mexican food I have found at the grocery store in the

Hey now! That should say “never shortchange *racist* white people”. Some of us pale skinned folks aren’t so terrible. If I’d have been tasked with decorating that tree, I’d have used all red baubles, or red & blue (like police lights... clever, I know!) or red white and blue for a sickeningly patriotic tree. It’s

Ok, good. The article’s author seems unwilling to consider that it might have been a more generally bigoted attempt at Christmas decor, not targeting one single race. And all the wypipo in the greys (not the obvious trolls) seem to be genuinely confused about what made this an attack against black people in

And the “takis”? They sound like some vaguely Mexican food, or some American idea of what Mexican food might look like. (I looked them up... now I know they are chips). That seems like an insult to Mexican-Americans, not African-Americans.

Could it be that these stereotypes are regional or maybe only known to locals from that city? I’ve never heard that a particular brand of cigarettes, or liquor, or fast food, or junk food - were mostly consumed by a particular race. I also never before heard that I eat potato salad with raisins, or that my face lacks

Right, so you misunderstood - and reacted based on that misunderstanding. I know Nazis are scum. Having lost family to their concentration camps, I can assure you I am well aware of their scumminess.

You misunderstood. I did not say nazis were to Jewish people, what Palestinians are to Israel. It’s the exact opposite. Nazis are like Israel, oppressing a peoples they don't like - using an established religion as justification for their abusive actions/policies.

Same here, I’m white as a ghost, and I’ve never heard or attended any theme party - birthday or otherwise - that was a slave & masters party. That sort of sounds like an adult theme party for swingers... maybe Hart was a little mixed up about different sorts of parties?

Sure. I’m not strongly pro- or anti-isreal - I am very strongly pro-peaceful resolution to that whole conflict. We can say we hate the way Isreal treats Palestinians as foreigners in their own land, controlling where Palestinians live and work, for no other reason than because they are Palestinian, without invoking

Thank you! I was sensing a sort of parallel with that old "well actually" argument (regarding swastikas). An educated man, Hill should have known better than to use that phrase to express his views.