
Yup, I don't remember my birthday parties until my 10th (but I know I never had a themed party - ever). This really strikes me as something only wealthy people do. My family was far from wealthy, so it was all cakes and balloons... til I turned 10, then my mom went all out and took me to a science museum too.

Or saved a bit of time, and money (not that cost was a prohibitive factor for Hart and his wife...) by choosing no theme at all.

His explanation sounds exactly the same as the justification for racially insensitive Halloween costumes. Too bad no one explained that intent is irrelevant.

A one year old doesn’t want a themed birthday party. They hardly know what a party IS at that age, and are thrilled by simple things like balloons and cake.

Of course conservative bloggers will take issue with anyone who leads the Women’s March. We sort of have to accept that that’s going to happen no matter what. I’m not quite ready to throw those women under the bus just yet - since what little I’ve heard about the both of them came straight from men calling themselves

He may not be influencing white supremacists, but he IS influential to his followers. He is an anti-semite, and anti-LGBTQ+. It shouldn’t be difficult to say “I’m not okay with his hatred of XYZ people people” or “I am unwilling to condemn this man. This conflicts with the purpose of the Women’s March, so I will

If you smell the burning, that means the machines are not being cleaned properly. I’m a former barista, so I can say with some level of expertise - drip coffee shouldn’t ever taste or smell like that. Next time (if you dare venture in to a Starbucks again) let the barista know the machines need to be cleaned more

That problem sorts itself out, since a majority of Nascar drivers are also white, are they not?

As long as we are proposing laws, we should just scrap the whole "if someone asks for it" bit. Police should be required to hand over all footage immediately, to a neutral investigative body - who can review it, and release it or parts of it (depending on just how gruesome it is) to the public, as needed. And that

The only problem with that, is it would encourage police to leave no survivors - so no one appearing in said footage would ever ask.

Just considering how common road-rage incidents are, coupled with the shocking numbers of Americans who gleefully carry loaded weapons - I’d suggest neither you nor your fiance should be approaching vehicles after they nearly miss killing you. Instead, you should have dash cams installed either on your helmet or the

If you happen to read about Ellen Pompeo, and her use of a dark-skinned imogi, you'll see you did wrong. You should not use black imagery if you are not black. If you can delete it, then apologize - do that.

Different folks have different reasons. They may think they can’t do better than to be with the abuser, or being alone is too scary. Maybe they fear being a single parent so go back to the abuser because they are the other parent (though that is not in anyone’s best interest, especially the children). Maybe they can’t

At the risk of defending a troll, I understood the “personal reasons” thing to mean liking or not liking a candidate based on all the other factors that people might consider. That can be relevant to politics like the candidate’s proposed policy initiatives, or something completely stupid like what a candidate wore at

It is still rooted in misogyny. It’s just compounded by the factors of race, wealth, the type of healthcare system, etc.

Good for you. I live in Canada, where we have damn good reason to keep our hoods up outside, for fairly long stretches of winter weather - but once inside, we know to take our hoods down. I only had to be told this once by a gas station clerk, who knew me as a regular customer. You just don’t wander into a business

It seems to be a “no hoods up policy”. All places of business will ask that you take your hood down when entering, so they can see your face - it makes a sales person's job easier if they can see your face, and makes ID thieves a lot easier. It crosses the line from reasonable policy to racist, when kids who had their

I have to politely disagree that it can’t be both. Different situations call for different analyses. Going back to that Megyn Kelly thing, she claimed blackface just wasn’t a problem when she was younger. Now I’m not nearly as old as she, and I didn’t learn about the concept of blackface or minstrel shows until I took

Yes, I know the distinction between racism and prejudice. I’m quite.... happy? (for lack of a better word) to accept there is a difference.

See, you interpreted his words to mean he was talking about racism in a sort of strict liability sense. I didn’t interpret it that way. Here’s why I think it’s lazy writing (I’m sorry I keep coming back to that). If racism was a strict liability issue, then it would be applicable to all folks - not just us pale,