
You do realize that not all women who menstruate have access to computers or an Amazon account, or can afford shipping costs. If they had those things, they might also have the space to store a lifetime supply of tampons/pads. The majority of women/girls do not have that. Therefore the argument being made that the

I should have been clear I was using the word ‘journalism’ loosely. I know it’s a blog. I just don’t want to be THAT white lady who invades a space that isn’t for me, and disparages the writers or writing (there are plenty of trolls in the greys who do that and more).

Its confusing because it's lazy journalism. On the individual level, intent matters. People don't choose the politicians that they do without intent. We have to hope the vast majority of folks get informed about the issues and the positions their preferred candidates take on those issues, then make decisions based on

It's more like a 16-20 dollar box, that maybe lasts one cycle. That adds up fast. When a woman has precarious employment, as most women do - that extra few dollars in taxes on top can easily break the bank.

Those are exit poll numbers. They do not reflect exact percentages of any voter demographic. They reflect whoever bothers to answer the question of who they voted for.

Guess you missed that I did not defend opening up a poopy diaper in the middle of a restaurant. If my kid has a tantrum in a public place, and that offends you to your core - you are more than welcome to keep it to yourself. No parent needs the dirty looks or the comments that we should just stay home til the little

If it was just a #1, no one was harmed by it. The restaurant should have had somewhere to change the little one (especially since it’s a chain restaurant). It would have been even better if you’d mentioned to the manager that a change table in all bathrooms would be good for business, since parents tend to stear clear

And parents gets stressed out by people like you who claim to be "triggered" at the sight of their offspring. So congrats, you make the situation so much worse by being there - maybe you should shelter yourself at home in perpetuity. Save kids from your personal issue.

Speaking as a fairly new parent, how about you mind your own business. Kids act up when they are tired or hungry or for reasons beyond their own comprehension. Sometimes that happens without warning, usually at the worst possible time. Parents don’t need strangers wispering amongst themselves about how they are

Their end game is MAGA. They want women to return to a time where they devoted their entire existence to having and raising babies. That would leave more open spaces for white boys in higher education, since they believe boys struggle to get into post-secondary schools now not because they are unqualified, but because

It criminalizes in vitro fertilization, because embryos are made but not necessarily used... those embryos have rights to gestation, where the potential mother would have no right to want them out. This is a really good argument for why religion needs to be kept out of medical care/laws.

You may not have paper and a pen handy, or may not want to engage with strangers. I know I am not comfortable trying to reason with total strangers when they've blocked my path - I'd be even less inclined to do so, if I was American, since an awful lot of you folks carry guns. Imagine approaching someone with a polite

I find it works if you just download one or two educational apps with zero advertisements. That way, your kid can’t click on anything weird or “accidentally” get redirected to an inappropriate website or buy something without your knowledge, and you can more easily limit their screen time. No need to pay for an ad

You have to consider what is a ‘minor inconvenience’ to you, could actually be a huge inconvenience for someone else (like someone with a mobility issue). I'm glad there are able-bodied folks who call parking enforcement for real parking infractions. The burden should not be placed squarely on the shoulders of the

When you are in a wheel chair, or are otherwise physically challenged, or have a baby in a stroller - the lost space in the crosswalk or across a sidewalk can mean the difference between continuing to your destination or turning around and wishing the driver of the vehicle to experience some equivalent suffering in

Parking enforcement is not police. They do exactly what the name implies. The driver and his lady friend were in the wrong here.

Its hardly lazy. It must take an incredible amount of time and effort to apply and remove all that makeup/face paint/shoe polish. I can’t understand what would compel a person to do that, then claim ignorance of the fact that it is blatantly racist.

It’s true that we cannot instinctively know things, when that knowledge is kept from us, when we are children. This is why it’s important for parents to teach their little ones right from wrong, and for friends, coworkers, and in this case employers - to help folks out, by encouraging proper costumes that don’t

You could go as a white kanye (by wearing something oversized and beige, since that's what his clothing line is comprised of), or you could go as just about anything else. Pirates, ghosts, witches and wizards, ghouls and goblins are all still perfectly fine costume choices too.

Could it be that your kids saw what other kids eat at school, and they now want to conform a little bit? I remember as a kid, I wanted the same prepackaged sugary snacks that other kids got to have in their lunches. At the time, it felt like I was being deprived of something special and resented my parents just a