
We can’t dilute the existing crazy, with the few retired Canadians who have both money and bad taste (I mean, if you want warm weather, try Hawaii - it's plenty warm, and I'm fairly certain is has fewer Trump supporters and alligators than Florida). It’s a nice thought, but people don’t work like that.

Now more than ever, your country needs you to stay. And the whole world wants moderate to left-leaning Americans to stay put. If you all left, all that would remain are Nazis - and those buggars are notoriously difficult to fight against, if we (by we, I mean not Nazis, to be clear) got no support on the inside.

People don’t revolt if you keep ‘em dumb. Republicans know that. Unfortunately, that is one thing they are very good at doing.

Same here. I am no genius, and I get that it isn’t my word to use, so I just don’t - and I never questioned it or demanded an explanation. It's incredibly easy not to use that word. I have to wonder if some of those folks who claim to be confused still, are just trolling? I have a hard time believing all the folks who

Yep, I never worried about weight in my teens... but since becoming a mom, I’ve gotten lots of criticism of my weight (it's supposed to mysteriously vanish overnight, leaving behind no stretch marks or loose skin apparently). It’s annoying to admit that reading this article made me think about what I weigh relative to

Her skin colour doesn’t define who she is on the inside - it defines how she is perceived and treated by others. She can define herself however she wishes, and be whatever stereotype she wants, but continuing under the delusion that she is white will only serve to hurt her in the long run.

Thats good advice. I'm a little shocked I've never heard it before. I have to incorporate that into the spiel I have to give at every meal. The threats to call up Santa, to cancel Christmas don't always work for some reason (I might have used that one too many times).

Yes, thank you! I had to look it up, because he has a face I think I’ve seen before, but I couldn’t place it and I definitely couldn’t attach a name to that face (though I’ve heard of him, I think - there are a lot of famous white men named Chris right now).

At the risk of inadvertently #notallwhitepeople-ing... it’s not a white people thing, as much as it is a marketing thing. I’m a white Netflix user, and I suspect from my viewing habits - the algorithms can tell. Inspite of that, in the suggestions for me based on what I have already watched, are all sorts of shows

Thats what I’ve noticed too. I watch what I believe to be very obviously ‘for white audiences’ type shows, mostly as background noise (ie Friends, The Office etc). Mindy Kaling stars in The Office, so Netflix recommends anything she is in or produced. The poster for A Wrinkle In Time originally showed her face, then

Good question. I suppose it’s easier to shit on allies when they do good, than it is to say “this is an example of someone doing good” as an FYI for other lowly non-celebrity allies.

Trans means ones gender identity is the opposite of their sex (or what some may call the sex they were assigned at birth) - where cis means your sex and gender identity match. This is why it’s important to understand that sex and gender are not the same thing.

Our officers up North aren’t necessarily folks with a strong sense of civic duty either. The officer who detained me was very clear he could have killed me, had I not stopped when he told me to stop running and turn around. He was armed after all, and he apparently thought I was looking for unoccupied dwellings to

How can they consider suing? Lawsuits cost money (which is something I suspect these women don’t have a lot of, since those warehouse jobs don’t pay well, and they probably have huge medical bills for hospital visits). The laws are also specifically worded to protect unscrupulous employers, not employees - with "right

Its either a male manager who literally has no clue what sort of stress the human body is under during pregnancy, or a female manager who hates other women, particularly those who are able to get pregnant - at least, that’d be my guess.

Additional training could be part of that whole rebuilding process...

So that's less than 6 months? That seems like a recipe for disaster.

It’s believable. I feel like I've read several stories in the last several years about mentally disturbed men, being shot and killed by police, in the US. In that same time, there was an incident where I live (in the comparatively less gun-loving Canada) where a mentally ill man was screaming at things only he could

Thats really bad that there isn’t any centralized, unified training. I don’t know exactly how we train our officers in Canada, but it seems like our officers are much better at de-escalation, compared to American officers. I think back to my own experiences as a small child, being detained momentarily when I was

I have to wonder what kind of training do American police officers actually get, for dealing with teenagers and mentally ill folks. All the news stories seem to suggest they get no training at all, and are just left to figure it out - and get it so incredibly wrong most of the time.