
In theory, the earliest that can be detected is around 18-20 weeks. And you don't need an amniocentesis to determine the baby's sex, just an ultrasound scan and the right angle.

I did not have any therapy, though I really think I should have. I just got over it, with time (sort of). I still have moments where I worry about the messages my kids will be inundated with by other family members, their peers, and society in general. All I can do is try my best to teach them right from wrong, to

That sounds perfectly reasonable to me. I became pregnant (by my partner) a year after a sexual assault by a stranger. Though I was not raped, and was pregnant by someone I love and wanted a baby with, I still felt I would not want a son - because I was dealing with some emotions I couldn’t quite explain. Then I had a

There is power in numbers. It seems like Schumer is using that white privilege of hers for good here.

You are most welcome. If the subject interests you at all, I recommend sitting in on a sociology or anthropology class. It can open your eyes up to things you might not have considered before, and give you the words to explain concepts that you sort of knew already but didn't know how to articulate them.

Id suggest a combination of light exercise (sit ups) and learning to accept a bit of squish where there wasn't squish before. But I'm no doctor, so take that with a huge grain of salt.

Don’t worry, you didn’t miss anything. It sounded to me like stereotypes of older southern black mothers, who believe white women are all out to accuse their precious boys of rape (and presumably unconcerned about the possibility of their daughters being raped).

or Kobe, or Cosby, or R Kelly (though I don't know whether that last one was accused by any white women - his crimes are defended with the same gusto as the other two).

Do those buttons not alert local fire stations that there may be a situation that only they can deal with (like a silent alarm that alerts police)? That way, there would be some record of button pushes.

Thats the thing about how female politicians are treated, compared to their male counterparts. If they don’t play the stupid little games, they are seen as no fun stick-in-the-mud boring old hags, and they lose elections. If they do play along then try to steer things back to the issues, they get shit on for playing

A kid pushing a that button without malicious intent - is not a crime. I’m an adult. It wouldn't be remotely the same.

There is a difference between kids actively breaking into a vehicle, and kids maybe or maybe not pushing a button. One is a very clear crime, the other is just a bit of a nuisance (not in the criminal sense).

You misunderstood me. You don't have to get confrontational. This woman could have easily asked to speak with the adult in charge of the group, explained what the problem was and found a peaceful resolution (maybe the kids could stand somewhere other than by the pumps or blocking the doors). Immediately calling police

Being called racist on Facebook or to your face, is not nearly as painful as you are claiming it to be. I've been called racist for something completely innocent, and I survived. Had I actually done or said something racist, I still would have survived - because it's a word, not a bullet.

It sure as hell IS advisable to talk to the grown up adults, who are clearly in charge of those kids. You don't just go calling in the cavalry, because you don't share the same skin tone as a group of kids.

If taken at face value, yes it does look like a problem. If kids, however well meaning they are, block the doors or flow of foot traffic in and around the gas station - that can cause all sorts of problems. If they really did repeatedly push the emergency stop button shutting down all the pumps, that would enrage

He stared at and followed a child around in the Starbucks. Regardless of skin colour, that is incredibly alarming to kids and their parents. The article here glossed over that point. It doesn’t justify stoking fear of the vague scary black man in a hoodie, but it definitely makes it more clear why the initial email

Sorry, I think I’m primed to go on the defensive when I read comments about “jezzies” now, since they are usually not particularly nice.

At the risk of being dismissed as a troll.... I’m a “Jezzie”, and I read the Root too. Sorry, I didn’t realize I couldn’t do both. As I explained to another Root commenter (who turned out to be a troll looking to excuse Kavanaugh & his ilk), believing someone who says they were assaulted is not the same as saying

Do you think she could have made it crystal clear in 30 seconds, that she is claiming DNA, not indigenous identity and that those are not the same thing?