
It's also a Canadian show. For that reason alone, it may not be as well known in the states.

Regarding folks who are 50-50 black & white, we can look at Obama and Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex. Both are half black half white. One is considered a decidedly black person, while the other is considered a bit of traitor for daring to identify as mixed race. One is propped up as a paragon of black greatness,

I never said “don’t criticize her”. You can criticize her til your face turns blue. You can even proclaim you would never vote for her in an election between her and Trump. The whole world saw how that turned out the last time America had a clear choice, and opted for a fascist puppet over a qualified presidential

Yes I do see that some folks need to build a Warren shaped strawman, in order to continue this “debate”. I’m far more left leaning than an American (I’m Canadian - if that wasn’t clear from the start). I’m horrified at what I see here. It’s like trump is yelling “look over there!” Americans are all looking, and while

Don't forget to add vacating all previous pot convictions.

I assure you, we don't mean to rub it in your faces. On behalf of Canada, I'm sorry, eh!

Yes, she ticked all that applied (as far as she knew, those she ticked did apply). She also mentioned her indigineity in a cook book. Do you want to focus more on that? Or do you think it's ok now to turn your attention back to all the shit Trump was doing while he had you distracted?

Bloody hell, this is getting tedious. Her claim was that she has Native American ancestry (that is DNA). A DNA test confirmed that she does in fact have Native American DNA. She did not don culturally specific clothing, do a war cry, joke about flinging tomahawks, or a rain dance, or call herself pocahontas or a

Her claim was that she has native DNA. Her claim is supported by the evidence. She is not claiming indigenous identity or tribal affiliation. There is a distinction there, that you and Leah missed (deliberately?). I can’t tell if you are trolls or just incredibly stubborn individuals.

It is the same in the sense that he, like all people with different backgrounds - are compelled to perform authenticity, sometimes by insiders to a community (by having the right accent or speaking the language) or by outsiders (like when someone asks a person to say something in their mother tongue or cook up a

Alright, I'll pretend I didn't actually read the article... I realize it's hard to consider a person could read it and understand the situation differently. No, Warren is not the asshole here. The orange one in the oval office is the asshole - and you are all falling for his shtick.

She isn't claiming authenticity as a Native person, she claimed native ancestry. There is a difference that you insist on ignoring. It seems like a strange thing to get hung up on, when you could instead focus on the fact that Trump forced her to address it with a DNA test, and is now reneging on a promised charitable

That means the onus is on the prosecution to prove the accused committed the crime - not that accusers have to prove in the moment that they were victimized.

The point you might have missed is that Warren is claiming DNA, not authentic indiginous identity. It’s a subtle distinction, but a distinction nonetheless. Like the OP, she is being forced to prove authenticity, though she has never claimed to be authenticly native. 

It’s common enough with newborns. Not so common with older toddlers, since even the weirdest of weirdo moms usually know to shut that down before it becomes a problem.

Im sort of in the same boat. One side of my family tree is definitely from Europe. Whether they were Jewish or not is one giant question mark. What I do know is they hated Nazis and fireworks.

I don’t think people want to watch it. Like the professor quoted in the article, it might make people feel angry so they choose not to watch it - rather than maybe learning that Elizabeth Warren is not the garbage heap that Trump and his goons want you to believe she is.

Your anecdote does prove something. People of all colours are called upon to demonstrate authenticity in whatever cultural group they lay claim to. What happened/happens to you, is also happening to Elizabeth Warren (just on a slightly different scale). She claimed native american ancestry and proved it with a DNA

I suspect they need us to scream at them, for them to understand - because it’s literally not something they’ve ever had to seriously consider before.

You do have to consider the added fear that women have to carry with us at all times, that not only might we be robbed, we could also be raped by an intruder. That’s not to say this woman was correct to accost the gentleman. That was bad, certainly. But we don’t know her thought process here. Was she drunk? High?