
I can assure you, you will not develop resilience or resistance to polio by becoming infected. If you don't die a very painful death, you will be forever impaired by the disease. Young children, the elderly, and immunocompromised folks really don't need your brand of stupid.

Id argue that she would be damned one way or the other, as women in politics tend to be. If she apologizes, she is too weak to stand up in the face of “adversity”. If she keeps going without apologizing, she seems untrustworthy. Trump literally gets away with actual crimes (rape, groping, peeping on underage girls,

I agree. It's offensive, she shouldn't have done that, and her employers shouldn't have used her as their diversity prop. I could argue that it was a different time, and we know better now... but that just feels stupid. It was all bad, and Trump still sucks for being the complete buffoon that he is, and not paying the

Thats the reputable looking fact-checking site I read before. I realize now, I misread it. So she did say she had some native heritage, to her employers. That’s bad, for sure. It seemed like from all the hullabaloo, that she had been running around calling herself a Cherokee princess from her time in academia to her

Did she list herself as native? I thought it was the school she was working for, that chose to list her that way - to demonstrate their "diversity" hiring practices. I read online on a reputable looking fact-checking site, that it was her employer that listed her as native.

Is she not running in the mid-terms? It seems like a terrific PR move on her part (whether or not she is currently up for election), and it could go a long way to help the charity she selected.

You’re right. I guess I’m just naive about the number of trolls who go online, with the intent to argue in bad faith. I really should know better by now, but it can be hard to tell at first, sometimes.

Is there any way I could have worded that differently for the OP to understand? I didn't want to write an academic length paper on the subject. I thought the point was pretty damn clear.

I can only hope others read it, and understand. It’s basically shorthand for “don’t be an asshole”. More people should try that instead of blaming women for the actions of men, and twisting situations like the one in the article above to fit a narrative that all white women are mentally unstable creatures looking to

Thats what made him perfect for the role of Dr. Who.

I concur about Matt Smith not being the huge draw that some folks believed him to be. I’m by no means a huge Whovian, but I did watch the show, when he was on it (when I had cable television). He was absolutely not the reason I watched The Crown. In fact he looked like Dr. Who with a bad dye job, while Claire Foy had

If it makes you feel at all better, I laughed as I read your descriptions of angry-making situations, because they sound so familiar. I’m always stubbing my toes, stepping on random Lego peices, and video games don’t react as expected for me either. Swearing is a perfectly normal response, it’s even a relatively

As a person who was assaulted, happens to be white, and goes out in public regularly enough to know the difference between a grope and a backpack grazing my hind quarters... this woman’s issue is definitely more than PTSD. She must have a verifiable mental health problem, and it seems she does not discriminate - she

You square the two ideas, by understanding that “believe women” does not equal “police should never investigate”. It means don’t make assumptions if someone discloses to you that they were assaulted.

or demanding to know the sex of the baby, because we can’t be putting our girls in blue or our boys in pink! It’ll really confuse them, when they spit up or poop on the wrong colour!

No. That bit between the commas was the qualifier. Those that are skilled teachers of the English language will take issue with students making grand generalizations. Bad English teachers will probably not give a damn one way or the other.

Do you think anyone would argue Cardi B is too light skinned to play Fran Drescher's daughter? That would seem like an awfully silly thing to argue.

English teachers, who are good at what they do, would disagree. If you don't use a qualifier (some, most, few) it does appear to mean all. For the sake of clarity, we should always specify whether we mean all or some.

I didn’t say innocent people should be locked up for years. That is a misunderstanding on your part. I said those charged with violent offenses should remain in custody, pending their trial. The fact that backlogs cause massive delays between charges being filed and actually going to court - is a different issue

Its “dystopic” to treat all offenders equally based on the severity of their crime? I’d argue it’s dystopic to treat people differently based on skin colour and income. We can always agree to disagree here.