
As a person who has had exactly zero brushes with celebrity, I second the point that it takes time to grow into one’s confidence and one’s political opinions. I have no celebrity cachet, and it took me years to figure out where I fit on the political spectrum and then find the guts to speak openly about who I believed

Thats insane to me. It takes just a few minutes to crack open a musty-smelling hard-covered history textbook and read to learn just how shitty that time was for a lot of people. We record history precisely so that we don't repeat past "mistakes" (for lack of a better word).

She isn’t anti-gun, she is pro common sense gun control legislation, ie. licenses and gun safety training.

No I don't think a person awaiting trial should immediately be put in jail. I do believe folks awaiting trial for non-violent offenses should be released on their own recognizance, pending their trial date. And I believe folks who are charged with violent offenses (yes, even when they claim self-defense), should be

Being found not guilty in a court of law does not mean he didn’t do the thing that ended a life.

It doesn't deter criminals, and the risk of killing an innocent person due to clerical mistakes or mishandling of evidence should be enough to convince folks that you shouldn't have the death penalty.

That's good news. Now maybe the rest of your country can do away with that barbaric practice - and while they're at it, do away with the unevenly applied stand your ground laws. 

He is not innocent. He did take a life. The law worked as it should, because he did not go to prison with a life sentence. That is usually what occurs when you shoot someone, and they die from their injuries.

You do realize I was commenting solely on this case right here? I was not saying stand your ground laws always work, or that it worked as intended (by lawmakers) in this particular case. “Worked as it should” is not the same as worked as intended.

I don’t know how you are expecting me to respond to your whataboutism. I know Zimmerman was treated differently than Spencer. I was not talking about Zimmerman or any other case of a person using the “stand your ground” laws. It looks to me like this particular case is one where the law worked as it should work, maybe

No, George Zimmerman should have sat in jail, and been found guilty of at the very least manslaughter.

Oh, my mistake! It was written in such a way that I missed that fact. 

It makes life interesting for those of us who perhaps foolishly call ourselves allies. It’s hard to take it seriously, when we are accused of racism for the most mundane things (as an example, I don’t tan I just burn, and with a history of skin cancer in my family, I use sunscreen and accept my pasty skin as is. I've

It seems as if Williams was the white man who refused to shake hands with Spencer, after losing at pool, because Spencer is black and that was somehow a bad thing in the mind of Williams. He could have easily not been an ass, and just walked away but he chose to attack Spencer and Spencer's neighbor - then he got

I feel like your country got dragged to crazy town the moment Trump decided to run for president, and no one put a stop to that nonsense.

She definitely looks like she loves her kids...

I wasn't trying to argue, sorry. I must have misinterpreted your posts. I suppose we sort of agree (at least on the point that Keira was critiquing the culture).

You said Keira was projecting. I say she was critiquing the culture. I think we can leave it at that, and agree to disagree if we must.

What if the ladies room lacks the necessary change table too? Maybe it would be better for men to simply pull the “let me speak to your manager” thing. As a former retail worker, I can say this is one situation where I’d have happily called a manager over.

That is your interpretation. I saw it differently. I recall that 7 hours after giving birth, I could hardly walk. In fact I believe I was sleeping in my super flattering hospital gown, while waiting for a dose of pain killers. I definitely wasn’t camera ready - and I had some lovely relatives who came in to the