
I guess having a Black president meant that US foreign and domestic policy couldn’t possibly be white supremacist. I mean, how can a government with a Black president, Black members of Congress, and Black folks in the administration possibly be anti-Black?

Lol! I touched a nerve, huh? So much that you felt the need to respond at damn near 2 in the morning three days later. Resorting to ad hominem attacks is a sign that you’re out of ideas and can’t respond with factual evidence. Spouting State Department talking points doesn’t count, I’m afraid. There is ample evidence

Bullshit. Russia has legitimate security concerns that the US refused to even consider. They’re not euphemisms. Ukraine has historically been a route through which Russia was invaded. Napoleon and Hitler invaded Russia through Ukraine. Russia was also invaded by Western imperialist nations, including the US, after the

Ok. Libya sent NATO bombers to blow itself back to the stone age? Right. 

the fact is the US government doesn’t do that sort of thing

It’s an opinion I agree with. One that actual leftists also agree with. I’m surprised you’re ungrayed here.

Michelle Childs is a Black corporatist and I fully expect her to be nominated. Even if it isn’t her it will be someone who is palatable to ruling class. 

You should look into her anti-worker, tough-on-crime (tough-on-Black people) history. She’s not someone who should be celebrated. That mere fact that she has the full-throated support of none other than, Senator Lindsey Graham should give you pause. She is a full-fledged member of the Black Misleadership Class, along

This is what “Vote Blue no matter who” gets you.

A Red state whose residents when polled show majority support for  a $15 minimum wage, free college, Build Back Better, Medicare for All, strong unions and other progressive policies. If the Dems actually wanted to win they could run on that platform. WV was a Blue state before Clinton because the party supported

Bill Clinton and NAFTA turned West Virginia Red. The idea that Manchin is undermining his own party is nonsense when it was and still is party policy to abandon and shit on the working class and prevent any progressive policy from diminishing corporate profits in the slightest.

Don’t hold your breath.

Also let’s not forget how he helped arm and train Central American death squads for Reagan’s dirty wars in the 80's. The ones that indiscriminately murdered civilians, including women and children.

I know right? It’s not like the Iraq war irrevocably changed global politics for the worse, mired an entire region in misery and strife and killed untold numbers of innocents. GET OVER IT BOOMERS!

Typical Liberals. If Powell had never endorsed Obama or Biden (fellow war criminals) they’d be signing a different tune. Politics for far too many people is like the WWE. On any given day someone can go from a “heel” to a “face” and gullible rubes will cheer for them.

If only statements of remorse had to power to resurrect. And Powell was a war criminal decades before lying to the world about Iraq’s non-existent WMD’s.

One million dead Iraqis would beg to differ. That is... if they could.

A lifelong war criminal dies, surrounded by loved ones, while the families of the people whose deaths he’s complicit in will never know peace. Fuck him! Don’t feel sorry for him. The world is a slightly less evil place now.

What do you expect from the guy who said Pete Buttigieg had the best plan for Black people?