Joe Biden has dementia and no one in the Dem leadership wants to admit it.
Joe Biden has dementia and no one in the Dem leadership wants to admit it.
Harris wasn’t just a prosecutor, she was DA of San Francisco and California AG. She had discretion on who to indict and prosecute. A prosecutor’s job is to seek justice, not blindly follow the law. Some of the things she did or didn’t do as DA and AG are simply unforgivable and some of the things she did are…
So Black folk in SC vote Dem because “that’s just the way we do things down here”? Great strategy! The fact that people down there look out for one another has absolutely nothing to do with a political party. If every black person in SC switched to the Green Party tomorrow would people stop treating each other the way…
Before reporting on anything related to national security, The Times and The Post run the story past the CIA and State Department to make sure they don’t ruffle any feathers. Does that sound like an objective source to you? That article was written in defense of Clinton’s support for the Crime Bill. News sites are…
Did I not say the the policy was pushed by token negro apparatchiks like Clyburn? And even if you disregard the flaws inherent in polling and how polls can manipulated, The Times isn’t exactly an objective source.
I’m becoming increasingly disappointed in the writing at the Root. I mean, I’ve never come here for actual news, more so entertainment. But I’ve also come to realize that they have a sizable following and they repeatedly fail to advocate for policies that would actually help Black people. This is a decidedly…
The “Black folks wanted the Crime Bill too” talking point needs to die a horrible death. It’s true that Black folks wanted a solution to the crime plaguing the communities in the 80's and 90's. What they didn’t want is to lock everybody up forever. That’s a lie pushed by the architects of the bill (Biden, CLinton, et a…
I agree with everything you posted except for two things:
Everything she had to say about Assange was already said in her trial. It’s all on record. There is no new information to be gleaned from her testimony.
She approached Wikileaks, not the other way around.
Perhaps, but that’s irrelevant. She didn’t refuse to testify just to protect him.
Did it ever occur to you that some people’s concern for the greater good outweighs the pain of their own suffering? Anyway, If she would have gone to court she would have been asked the same questions that she is already on record as having answered. Then she would have been held in contempt again for not answering…
What a ridiculously stupid and childish response. Fulton County is around 44% Black. So fuck all of them because the white folks voted for Trump. Idiot!
A little M4A would be great right about now. This is only going to get worse and our for-profit health delivery system is only going to exacerbate the epidemic.
You’d be hard pressed to find the word neoliberal in the halls of academia. It’s existence is not acknowledged by most economists and political scientists despite being the dominant Western economic model for the past 40+ years. You tried though.
“Have you ever heard of a guy called Karl Marx? He literally said Capitalism is a transition stage. “Reform Capitalism”? Sure - that’s called Socialism.”
15% of Clinton primary voters in 2008 voted for McCain in the general election. This talking point needs to die.
Six media companies - Comcast, Viacom, Disney, CBS, Time Warner , 21st Century Fox - control 90% of what we watch, read, and listen to. Most Americans are low-information voters. You cannot make an informed decision if you are misinformed.
Pete: Socialists don’t work for the CIA and McKinsey.
You’re going to have to explain what neoliberalism is to the readers of The Root.