He also endorsed Jesse Jackson’s candidacy.
He also endorsed Jesse Jackson’s candidacy.
Most Americans don’t read past the headlines. Something like 60% if I’m not mistaken. The Root staff knows this as do all other news and opinion outlets. They’re counting on you not reading the article or checking the sources.
Everyone? The Panthers were socialists. James Baldwin was a socialist. As was Dr. King, W.E.B. Dubois, and Kwame Ture. In fact nearly every Black radical of the 20th century was either an avowed socialist, communist, or skewed heavily towards those ideologies. I wonder why. Is is because they rightly saw that the only…
So Trump and the GOP are out here knocking on doors, making phone calls, send text messages, and donating to Sanders’ campaign? That’s what campaigning for someone *literally* is. Not riling up a group of oinking swine at a Klan rally.
No response?
This win may very well be a false dawn for Biden. I don’t see him winning many more states.
So Trump and the GOP are out here knocking on doors, making phone calls, send text messages, and donating to Sanders’ campaign? That’s what campaigning for someone *literally* is. Not riling up a group of oinking swine at a Klan rally.
And Clinton’s preferred candidate was Trump. That’s why the DNC and its lackeys in the establishment media gave him billions of dollars worth of free airtime. Does that mean she campaigned for Trump? How’d that work out btw?
Because he thinks it will help him win. Not because he’s a fan of Sanders. Like I said, cynical self-promotion.
Ever since Presley signed onto the anti-BDS legislature in Congress she gets the side eye from me. Woke but not left. Like most of the writers and commentariat at the Root.
How has Warren shown you she could implement her plans? She has no grassroots support. The majority of her support is from college-educated liberals.
She doesn’t believe Evo Morales’ ouster in Bolivia was a coup. Her foreign policy is just as Hawkish as anyone in the dem establishment. Foreign policy has a direct and indirect impact on domestic policy. The abuses and crimes of empire are inevitably visited upon the marginalized of any society. Hard pass for me.
Rightfully pointing out how the Dem establishment is in lockstep in its opposition to Sanders’ candidacy is in no way an endorsement or campaigning. Even if it was just cynical self-promotion it’s still true.
Warren’s response when asked about the coup in Bolivia was disqualifying for me. She’s a foreign policy hawk like the rest of the Dems.
Black folk need to abandon the DNC en masse. Not on some Kanye/Candice Owens Blexit bullshit, but we need to divorce ourselves from the Duopoly and strive for political self determination by running our own candidates locally first then nationally.
All evidence huh? Really?
Americans are a thoroughly propagandized people. The good news is that the younger generations weren’t alive for the bulk of America’s red scare/McCarthyite tactics. The cries of socialist/socialism don’t have the same bite they once did.
Wow! A writer at The Root actually making a positive statement about socialism. Careful you don’t get tarred as a Berner (even though Sanders is not a true socialist).
Yeah. If his tacit endorsement of Warren in a previous column wasn’t enough this one should let you know he’s all in the tank for her. I used to look forward to his columns but now they’ve gone downhill.
“Everybody has a plan until they get punched in the mouth”