
Wow, thanks for sharing this. It does put things in perspective. In that social climate, it's no wonder people dressed more modestly.

Probably wouldn't change much. You'd have nudity in places like beaches and maybe parks, but it probably won't fly too well at the workplace or on public transit. Most day to day situations, it would be inconvenient to be naked all the time. Also I think people would get past their reflex to automatically sexualize

I see your point. It is definitely different when you're doing it just to feel the air against your skin, and liberating yourself from clothing etc. It does seem to cheapen it when it's part of pushing your commercial image (you don't see so many fat, over 40 celebs doing this). I think she's saying is, I'm

Well, if it's ME dressing scantily, it sure as hell isn't kowtowing to any patriarchy.

No one ever complains about men being bad role models for young boys. No one.

Yes. I know he's a troll, but people who don't know anything about feminism think feminists are anti- everything sexual, and/or are confused by the fact that some feminists find it empowering to shave their heads and wear fatigues and Birkenstocks. Nothing wrong with that, obviously! But that isn't everyone's

I can totally see that. BRB after I watch the Wire again.

You are told that you are very important and need to be far more careful than any guy when walking outside.

Arya/Michael, definitely! You have just amplified my love of both those characters.

Ha, I missed that too.

The systemic abuse you describe tends to be committed by people who have power against people with less power. Most cultures have been and still are socially male dominated, so the pattern reflects the dynamics of that power structure.

Not really sure why anyone would be offended by #YesAllWomen, unless they are a woman who has never encountered sexism or harrassment from men in her entire life and is offended by the suggestion that all women have. Which I guess is valid, but I haven't seen anything from women who are protesting it for that reason.

Yeah man. Also, lose the rice and sour cream. Those are just time-wasting fillers between the other contents and my stomach.

I think beans are just as cheap as "beans".

All this interstate rivalry is rendered moot once you hear the stuff Europeans say about us.

Good to know! (serious). I admit I have only watched the show; I couldn't hold out once a friend provided me w/ the first 3 seasons, all at once. I don't know whether it's worth me reading the books now. Would my experience of the books be contaminated by having watched the series? I am a very visual thinker, so

OH GOD WHY DID I LOOK THAT UP. You owe me a drink.

I cannot say enough good things about Paragard. I HATED hormonal bc, oh you have no idea. I had rabid mood swings and somehow gained weight with all of them. Paragard? It was kinda scary getting it inserted, but after the initial residual bleeding and cramps passed (they were no worse than my period) now I NEVER

Oh trust me, at around 30 she will start packing on the pounds. Then she can experience the joys of cellulite and armpit fat like the rest of us.