How would someone with light industry experience go about getting such a gig?
How would someone with light industry experience go about getting such a gig?
My favorite example for DBZ being five minutes of in show time on Namek as Goku and Frieza stare each other down, strecthed into nearly five episodes of internal monologues, then the last episode of the story arc blows through multiple years in five actual minutes. Thats when i never looked back.
Why even remake my bloody valentine? I dont remember the first one doing that well either.
Im dying. LOLOLOL
Im from michigan and the last thing anyone here needs is to spend more time at the secretary of states offices. (We somt have DMVs here) I wouldnt mind paying an reasonable inspection fee annually so I know whats wrong with my car, but the money on training would be useless here and if it went to minor road repairs…
It was already in my cd player this morning.
My PS4 controller blew out after 8 months. 2 bad buttons, a weak stick, and it never charged right after 3 months. Half my decision to get an Xbox one is their sorry weak can’t use physical batteries controller. The LED was cool and all, but was too bright in a dark room and there is still no need for a speaker in a…
God you were sheltered. Never even upgraded to Victoria’s Secret huh?
I didn’t either, but my fifth grade friends sure did. I traded the found porn for a Nintendo game and some candy I believe.
I’m from the Midwest and there was porn in my grade school.
I thought it was the second strongest in the series. It was consistent and intriguing, and I didn’t feel it got bogged down in “boardroom drama” I mean, if we’re being honest, everyone in this show is a helluva lot better executive then Matt Murdoch is a lawyer. Luke cage was good but was inconsistent in tone and…
That bald guy is a rotten homunculus.
Basic empathy and self reflection are extremely lacking in our rule soaked patriarchal corporate personhood culture. And this is coming from an atheist. Where Are all the Christian values from these wasps? I bet that bald dude supported trump.
Patriarchy. Yikes.
I think you’re a good dad.
The woods around here are just lousy with Squatch.
Ooooh! I’ve been playing this for a few weeks. My high score is 128.
So, obviously there’s a market for both. Sell both. Duh Nintendo.
Xbox one. And it takes AA. Came with 2 in the box. (How thoughtful) you can buy charge packs as well.