Those Big Belly cans are high tech and super green. They compact garbage in themselves, requiring many fewer trips by garbage trucks to haul away. Some may even be solar powered as well? A buddy used to sell them to cities.
Those Big Belly cans are high tech and super green. They compact garbage in themselves, requiring many fewer trips by garbage trucks to haul away. Some may even be solar powered as well? A buddy used to sell them to cities.
Potential moment if self reflection detected. Different choice making imminent.
Dammit, Eileen!
Funny trolling name, though! +1
It's like Freaky Styley meets Seargent Pepper's rolled up in a St. Louis Cardinals fan's racist nightmare!
She should have to pay that $6,800 back. Shouldn't anyone who goes into the red have to pay it back? WHY IS ANYONE ALLOWED TO GO INTO THE RED AT ALL
This video is the soundtrack to Do Androids Have Electronic Nightmares?
Derivative of or a downright plagiarization of the Vietnam War Memorial. For shame. Maya Lin seethes in her grave. Oh wait, she's not dead yet.
As far as the public toilet stall goes, it's far more expedient to just dip them in the bowl and flush a couple of times, like a whirlpool bidet. Then pop them back in to the Crown Royal bag, easy-peasy.
Realization's about one's self can arrive in many different ways. What's important is that you don't judge yourself too harshly as you move into this new, unexplored territory that was lurking there, just under the surface, the whole time. Furthermore, now would be a good time to consider the feelings of people you…
"Intentional grounding- must remain a Knick for 15 days, assessed at the end of the season."
Gary Glitter stans: worst stans in the world, or worst stans ev-ar?
I always cringe for the driver whenever I hear "single car accident" on the traffic report. So embarrassing.
[leans shovel against truck, pulls handkerchief out of coverall pocket, wipes brow while staring into the middle distance] I remember my first day on the internet...
Allow open carry, and that speculum will be dropped faster than you can say "Dr. Ben's one of the good 'uns".