

You may be right; although when he demanded the Queen give him a ride in her golden coach, I had him pegged as President Veruca Salt...

Yet, he asked Chris Christie if he ate all the Oreo’s in a press conference.

But like. I wanna know what is going on with Pence’s suits. It looks like he’s wearing some kind of chest plate or something. They’re all cut exactly the fucking same and I don’t understand it. He’s the only person who looks like he’s got a costume to audition for the stage version of Troy under his shirt or something.

True fact: “2 Sides of Gravy” is the Secret Service’s code name for Trump.

There is no shame in trying take care of yourself. Setbacks happen but they do not make you a bad person. They make you human.

He claims not to drink alcohol, and refrains from doing so in public, but when has he ever said anything about himself that wasn’t a lie (other than wanting to fuck his elder daughter)?

In fairness, Diet Coke (Cherry Coke Zero, tbh) tagged in to replace other vices. I’ve probably drunk a small lake’s worth since I’ve been sober :)

Agreed. More people need to recognize the wrongness of this.

Melania really is living the dream! What a hunk!

Ugh. Here, have some Justin Trudeau exercise pics as a palate cleanser.

Who has ice cream with chocolate cream pie? Ice cream on pie is for double crust pies, usually fruit filled. So bizarre.

Pence only eats Mother’s pie.

Are we sure it wasn’t Russian dressing??

Diet coke, extra sauce, another scoop of ice cream....

Yep. My dad died after eleven years of progressive dementia. He was a shell of himself, a skeleton. I always thought I wouldn’t wish this on anyone. But still... yeah.

Don’t forget Mitch McConnell.

Every time I see one of these I flip it around in the display. I can’t take having to look at them for the 5 minutes I’m in the check out line, and I prefer if no one else read the lies...we already have enough painfully stupid people in this country.

You’re doing Shiva’s work. Take a twenty out of petty cash and get yourself something nice.

Every time I’m in a supermarket checkout line nowadays I turn the front copy of the bin of Enquirers over, because their covers (all the Trump flackery) is too obscene for unsuspecting people to see.