
This is the same shinola my 1st husband and I had to deal with when he was going through his battle with brain cancer in his late twenties. A clueless redneck slob bitch laughed when he fell out of the car’s passenger seat, and when I panicked and said “Eric, are you ok? Hang on I am coming right there”, she had the

This was batshit- BUT_ my hope is that more vile GOP bastards quake a little at the thought of repercussions stemming from their heinous deals/votes.

A hearty “FUCK YOU” & a generous helping of “can’t wait to see your skin get hagged out prematurely” to the clueless twats who decied to try to make ciggies anything but despicable again. Do these vapid bitches own stock in Phillip Morris? I am the sister of a lovely woman who is not celebrating Mother’s day today

I heard the same interview and feel like she is destined for being a major force in entertainment for many years. Bright, witty and thoughtful without being full of her self.

I hope that the Chanel ASSociate feels like the bitches in the “Pretty Woman” dress shop who were told “Big mistake” by Julia Roberts. As a former retail serf, I would have gladly sold Ms. Sidibe some fabulous frames, suggested a great bag to compliment them and perhaps one for her Mom, too. And complimented her

Unholy and wrong, like all things tRump related.

I feel like the old TV commercial with the people who smacked themselves on the forehead saying “I could’ve had a V8!!”. Substiute V8 for “Sane, hot and literate president”. Justin, if you feel a little cold, we’d be happy to have you move here-just sayin’.

More eerie white around the pig eyes and more orange pancake makeup to doll himself up for pretty boy Vlad?

I am SOOOO pissed that Faux news and rags like this have the geezers and former C- students all in agreement that Drumpf is their savior, Hillary should be in prison, their favorite skinny celeb is wasting away and dying- and Obama is guilty of every sin in the book.

Orange skin + orange jumpsuit. My delight as of late is imagining Drumpf and his daughter (Eva Braun 2.0) both having to do without pricey salon hair services behind bars, whilst enduring a roomie like Vee from OITNB.

I watched my beloved 1st husband die of one of the worst possible ways to go- a malignant brain tumor that 1st paralysed his left side then robbed him of speech then the ability to do anything. I have always thought this was too cruel for anyone. But not Drumpf, Paul Ryan, Sessions and a few other choice bastards as

One day she will wake up and thank you-Hopefully she will grow a brain/heart.

Fuck anyone who agrees with this (action against PP) horseshit up the ass with a rabid badger or two. Then I will happily make them floss with barbed wire.

YOU are my spirit animal- thank you for this!!!!

Do you have a time machine to go back and give her this book and a hearty imitation of Cher saying “snap out of it” before the election?

Plus, let’s HOPE that the starving nation of NK can somehow come to it’s collective “WTF” senses about spending all of their capital on weapons/dear shmuck leader instead of things like food/heat/lights/roads. And any saber rattling may possibly be Kin Jung Ughhhhh’s way of bartering for more food rations from other

Or better yet, scratch each other’s eyes out for the last box of twinkies.

Ooooooh, that means you need to take a trip to my ex-monster in law’s basement creepy bathroom to steal her disco silver shiny wallpaper that features naked ladies with huge boobs. (Anything to cheese this wench off, please.)

That’s a straight up Flowbee mullet.