Also, this is pretty fucking rich coming from the people who denied that the Tea Party was astroturfed with money from a number of rich right wingers in a much more direct (and provable) way.
Also, this is pretty fucking rich coming from the people who denied that the Tea Party was astroturfed with money from a number of rich right wingers in a much more direct (and provable) way.
Correct. It’s like saying “Frau Blucher” to the horses in Young Frankenstein.
So the entire Trump business empire (hah) is all a Potrumpkin Village, so to speak?
There’s an easier comparison…
This lawsuit would have a better chance if, say, the Ritz sued on the basis that it’s losing diplomatic guests to Trump Tower.
Lol. Honestly, I WISH I could get some of that phat Soros cash.
Well, maybe, but also quite possibly not.
I know you’re kidding, but you’ll probably get a Soros check quicker than a bunch of Inauguration workers get a Trump check.
Also worth noting:
I couldn’t go so I gave a friend my miles so she could.
“countless conflicts of interest” and allow “unprecedented influence by foreign governments.”
You can’t be sarcastic with these people. They’re not smart enough.
‘Trumpalos’ - stealing that one.
It’s almost as if projecting their worst characteristics onto their political enemies is the point.
Help. I can’t breathe. AM DEAD.
It just seems the height of male ignorance to think that all those women (and men) who marched LITERALLY all over the world would do so because some old white man told them to.
Don’t forget losing the popular vote by 3M.
Funny that all these men who have had their interest bought by corporations, oil, gas, coal, whatever are worried about protestors having their interest bought by Soros.
Even if Soros did kick in some money to some organizers... so? I don’t care if he personally bought a plane ticket for every woman in the march. Just because someone offers you funding doesn’t mean you’re beholden to them in some nefarious way.
I guarantee the Scots would throw a damn party if he had to entirely divest of his holdings there.