Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War
Why can’t the nerds fuck after seeing Star War
I like to think that Charlie Weber is pinching McGorry’s butt in that photo and that’s why he’s smirking.
Unless her sons are in college and math majors, she overdid.
Try rising insurance premiums and blood pressure Sarah.
“Anyway, you can get what’s essentially a Keurig for baby formula now.”
I look terrible in pastels. Oxblood forever.
There’s also something creepy about the subtle “accidental pregnancies may make some childfree-by-choicers someone embrace motherhood” message. Sure, it’s true for some, but overall, isn’t giving women as much control over what happens to their body as possible for the best?
They're mine, nachos.
Can people stop freaking the fuck out about herpes? One in six Americans has genital herpes. It’s absurdly common, very treatable, and once on Valtrex, the vast majority of people with the disease have extremely rare outbreaks or even none at all after contracting it.
The comments on this thread are really making me upset. I feel like people are shaming people for being upset about losing functionality of an expensive product at a time when they need it most. People on this program are working hard to lose weight and it’s hard enough to do especially at Thanksgiving. I don’t think…
I might have bought one, until I saw the boxes. WTF is that? It looks like she bit into something brown and juicy and didn’t have a napkin. And is that a grill on the lower teeth? KYLIE NO
Lots of women have rape fantasies. Please remember that kink shaming is not okay, and neither acting in nor viewing videos simulating rape is an endorsement of actual rape.
I’m sure this is in the comments somewhere, but Planned Parenthood is on option on Amazon Smile. A portion of the proceeds of all your Amazon purchases goes to the organization of your choice. It's not much, but every little bit helps!
The drink special at the Viper Room was called the Phoenix?! Who thought that was a good idea?
Stahhhhp. Clover needs to do a full interview with you ASAP.
I appreciate hearing that, but it’ll be OK. Trust me. Keep an eye out here and on my Twitter. There should be news soon.