
To be fair, after about 8 seasons, the show definitely suffered from “Had this been created today these would be 8-13 ep seasons.” The one shots could sometimes be the best part of the show, but due to the small cast pool, you did have to fall back on “Second verse, same as the first” more than any other show should

Yes the show is worth the watch.

Yeah I won’t be reading any of this with that picture attached. 

Literally just came here to say that. Going to shut this tab and not come back to io9 until I’m sure I wont’ run across that BS again.

Wasn’t anything about this article I didn’t love. Between this and Huey Lewis’ new single getting out today, my 80s heart is SO HAPPY right now.

Always amusing to claim video game objectification of women is harmless but also cosplaying as the character is considered too sexually explicit.

Whew. Thought you were saying the messed with the original dungeons. In no way did I even know customizable dungeons were a thing and don’t care one lick about them.

I didn’t even realize Epic was a thing until it was what I needed to play Hades. I looked it up, saw it was a real thing, pouted for 5 seconds at the slight inconvenience, then downloaded it and play the hell out of Hades.

No one believes I have zero direction sense until they see me walk confidentially out a door to where I think the car is parked. And they watch me absolutely walk in the wrong direction. Despite having been the one that drove. And the fact you can see the car from the door if you look for it.

Personally I’m with you. It’s no surprise why she did what she did. What happened to all the people claiming “Hate the player, not the game?”

Totally my go-to series to read. YA enough my parents would get it for me, but horror enough to stoke my love for it into my adult years.

I HAVE ABSOLUTELY HAD THAT CONVERSATION!! Sure I may have burned through 50K words of fic just that day (and the 4 days before that), but all of the sudden I’m struggling to back up my claiming of loving to read with whatever was the last book of the published series I’m a fan of. That came out like 3 months ago....

It is a weird place to be to probably be one of the most voracious readers in your friend circle, but to never admit to it because 90% is fanfiction. I remember the one time I met another person in real life and we had to carefully ‘feel out’ how each of us felt about fanfiction, how familiar we were with it, and then

I was late to the birth control game - I didn’t get on any until I was 30, so well past the changes related to puberty and just being a teenager. It was kinda scary. I believe I went through a very focused menopause cycle, in that first week there was about a day and a half where I had what must have been a long hot

I display my collection at work since I had the spare shelf when I moved into my office. I’m now officially at the point where I’ll need to have a dedicated shelf for my collection.

I display my collection at work since I had the spare shelf when I moved into my office. I’m now officially at the

You nailed the Chris list.

Actually, he’s been asked if he gets pushback from Disney, and he said the only thing he’s heard from anyone is Feige saying “I love what you’re doing on twitter”.

I’ve read a lot of articles that just get thing wrong from the start. This is one of them. Nope to all of this. Also your Chris order is incorrect.

Honestly I kinda want to see it where someone’s always looking for her and she really *is* out picking up some milk every time. Extra funny when it’s middle-of-the-night scenes.