
“I’m asserting that this statistic isn’t credible because I personally am not aware of these incidents (not that I’ve gone looking for it, I’m just using anecdotal evidence)“

I prefer not to support such obvious clickbait with crap logic applied to their ‘Sins’. CinemaSins and Bayformers are the bottom rung for quality in either of their respective generas.

They’re funny when you think they’re a tiny percentage. They’re infuriating when you realize they have equal voting rights and use them.

Pumpkin Pie is something I didn’t have for years until a large family gathering. I was excited to finally try it after hearing so many good things about it, and it was so unpalatable. I had to drown out the flavor with whipped cream and crust, the orange weird mess was so disgusting. Have tried it a couple other times

Oh, so that’s why they haven’t been on Adam Ruins Everything. Makes sense now.

The Amazon Music app managed to use all my data in one day when I didn’t even know it was installed and had never even accepted the “Terms and Agreements” so I will not be utilizing any of Amazon’s music options tyvm.

The Amazon Music app managed to use all my data in one day when I didn’t even know it was installed and had never

I never liked that “You don’t get to decide” quote. It’s a bad quote. There are too many emotionally manipulating people that use that shit against people. There’s better ways to make the point people think that quote is making.

Yeah, while I’m usually a fan of the show, this is particularly tone-deaf in it’s support of the #NotAllMen arguments. Real misstep by the show.

There’s interesting conversations about how we get too many mammograms, and often the false positives are too frequent and too stressful (until you know it’s false it’s a stressor) which negatively affects your health. Add to that the fact that while we can’t tell the difference, there are cancers that are benign,

This thread was everything I needed to make my Friday.

Not to add to repetition, but the fact you’re confused why all of that needed to be said means you might have issues picking up on the obvious. Unsolicited dick pics and sexual harassment involving men whipping out their penis is sadly an issue in the world today, and far too many men don’t realize that they should

Hell no. Last month despite not even knowing I had the ap and having never opened it, that app used over a gig of my data (over half my plan, putting me over) in less than a day. I know I hadn’t opened it because when I did finally open it to see what parasitic app was draining my data, it was still asking me to

Hell no. Last month despite not even knowing I had the ap and having never opened it, that app used over a gig of my

About on par for the average breast size in video games. And about as floppy.

So much love for this movie.

I’m glad Oprah at least tried to point out that Trump’s being judge by his current words and actions. Deaf ears and all, but....well....I got nothing. I feel like there’s more give to a brick wall.

Is this the “I don’t like it cause it’s cool to not like things that are popular” thing? Cause that’s the only explanation for your comment.

100% agree. I’m the shy pooper, because holy cow I never know what’s coming out or at what volume or stench level (I have a trigger, haven’t found it yet). And just this afternoon, someone comes in and by some miracle I ‘pause’ my business. They do their business in a reasonable time BUT THEN LINGERS AT THE SINK

The stuff that looks good, yeah. While I’m sure a lot of photographers know their way around photoshop, it’s such a large program most people only master sections of it. And I’m just being nitpicky because graphic artists get the shaft for recognition so often, can’t be having photographers get all the credit! 

You need a graphic artist for that. Not saying you can’t be both, but different skill set. Don’t tread over our niche!

Moron. Obviously not a woman, as you don’t understand the underlying threat of violence from men who think one of two ways. “You owe me this” or your point of view “I’m not experiencing the difficulty you are so you’re a liar”. Surely you understand peer pressure, or parental pressure, or mob mentality - where people