
The implication being that Atwood is less famous than Middleton. This is probably true, and kind of a sad comment on what we value as a society. Nothing against Middleton personally but *sighhhhh*

I love Margaret Atwood. She simply does not give a fuck. Things that would come as bitchy from someone else just don’t register that way because Atwood is amazing.

Never understood the Hathaway hate. As far as I can see the only thing she is guilty of is not being humble enough and too keen, which is apparently okay in men but not women. This show also looks like it has the potential to be hilarious.

Well fair enough. It always bums me out when I like an actor or artist’s work and then find out they are a shit stain in real life.

I find Leo’s preference for women twenty years his junior hella gross too, but let’s not compare that with a rapist and a crazy-pants who belongs to an evil cult mmmkay?

Totally agree with everything you said. Women get objectified far more than men do overall, but that doesn't mean it doesn't truly suck for anyone. And IMO, for those saying he should get over it because he gets paid well, you wouldn't say the same thing about a woman who gets paid a lot. If this was Jennifer Lawrence


Some of us live in Canada, where it is still snowing tyvm.

Oh definitely! And I can see how the reverse would be annoying, if you actually can't eat something and no one takes you seriously.

Yeah but the thing is, a lot of paleo people don't have autoimmune disorders. They pretend to, or they just read something somewhere and they think this is the key to losing weight. If you have an actual autoimmune disorder then eat that way. Or even not, whatever, eat what you want! I can't tell someone what to eat!

It really is amazing how when people are surrounded by a community that doesn't acknowledge this behaviour as not being okay, and their lives are so insular, they will publicly do and say awful things and not realize how wrong they are. They will post things on facebook or whatever that are so racist or whatever, and

It's really not weird. I don't kiss my brother on the mouth but I do peck my mom lightly or my grandmother. It's not like we are frenching. People have different standards, just because you find it unsettling doesn't mean it is a sign of a fucked up family ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I am a big fan of yutz, putz and plotz.

Holy shit these stories all make me so angry. I have nothing else to contribute, I just really want to crack some skulls right now.

Imagine life without chili! Or BURRITOS :((((((((


Gotta love those prehistoric cows that were sitting there waiting to be eaten AMIRITE?

Oh God. The Wedding Singer. I love that movie. It just reminds me now that mostly everything he has done since 1999 has been dog crap.

WHAT. A. FUCKER. Yeah I'll join the chorus here in agreeing he should fuck off and die.

Well apparently there was some cross-breeding hanky panky first. But then they died.