
Why not?

On a more personal note, please stop regular 60 hour work weeks because you’re screwing over sensible people. What the article talks about is well understood, but hours/week (apparent or real) is a very easy metric for management to track. In many large companies, if I average 40 hours/wk and do 32 hours of productive

I think the name Project/operation Harpoon indicates that this is much more about trolling than thinspo or pro-Ana. They can photoshop their own pictures if they would like to but leave Melissa and Tess alone.

The woman who CLAIMS she birthed me (still hoping a poor princess got herself in trouble & left me on the doorstep & will be back for me any day now) is ATTENDING A TAPING OF HIS SHOW IN SEPTEMBER. I did not accept her invitation to come along. She insists he's SOOOOO wonderful to women. Meanwhile on family feud he

whoaaa Nellie (see what I did there)

Now playing

My daughter was born last August. About 3 weeks before the Every Simpsons Ever marathon started. I was on paternity leave for the first few days of the marathon. I still remember laying on the couch with my son who was almost two and my 3-week-old daughter when this episode came on. I still can’t make it through

I do not think that the world is in any danger of running out of people who believe winning is the only thing worth

I am still mourning Jon, but I will say this about Trevor Noah:

Yes please and thank you.

I was 9 when 9 to 5 came out. It filled my girlish mind with joy. I especially liked the part where they fantasized about how they’d dispose with their boss.

sorry, I misspoke. It’s a Misfits song.

I’d wonder how your mother would react to the idea that Huckabee is a Southern Baptist pastor, who belongs to a denomination who do not consider Catholics true Christians whatsoever. Will she still vote for him, just the same? And Santorum was booted out of his incumbent seat by double digits in 2006, which favored

I can only hope I am so, uh, active when i’m in my 70s.

Here’s another pair of happy boobs! Well, before today that is.

My husband worked hard on that ad.

Now playing

The Mack hit the best stunner of the year during his match against The Machine on Ultima Lucha. 3:53 if it doesn’t start there automatically.

Made this one the day I saw the picture (titled Mermaid Simulator 2015)

That actually reminds me of The City of Towers, Sharn