Just once I’d like to see “Clumsy Cutie” be a guy with an inexplicably exposed ass in a thong.
Just once I’d like to see “Clumsy Cutie” be a guy with an inexplicably exposed ass in a thong.
Big deal. Toronto spends millions and doesn't have an NHL team either.
Where are you, Dangerous Minds? Does your school need a Nice White Lady to come fix everything?
Emailed this POS yesterday and told him he was a huge disappointment and that we didn’t want him/he would lose.
Yeah, that befuddled me. As a Pens fan, our success this postseason starts and stops with Matt Murray.
Pay attention men: Women do not like it when you send your donger to their cell phone. They end up blocking it every time.
If he keeps that type of behavior up I bet the NBA will have no choice but to make him an owner.
Why did they have to preface the fact she's gay by her accomplishments? So if she was a B average student and smoked weed with diesel mamas on the weekends, she wouldn't be worth it?
So how many Polaks does it take to lose a Stanley Cup?
Actually, sharks are cartilaginous, not boned.
Please, please tell me tax payers paid for the chick-fil-a cow. You haven't been properly screwed as a taxpayer unless you've been dirty sanchezed by a cow.
Just let all the rec-league softball teams that used to use the parks, play instead at the new stadium. Braves fans would appreciate the upgrade in the quality of play actually.
“Get ready to shred, brah!”
I’m just happy that the odds are getting better that I won’t have to go all the way to Rio to catch part of the Olympic experience.
That call’s not going to curry any favor with Sharks fans.
“Watching this crybaby succeed makes me very upset.”
You can’t get the real one, but go to a house of worship for any religion and you can get some shitty hacked one.