
There is no greater parody of 80’s Frank Miller than modern-day Frank Miller.

No Squirrel Girl???????!!!!!

Darling. Remember. We inflict bodily injury with shoes. Shoes, darling. Always shoes.

I’m going to go with “losers” and a side of Vaguely Threatened Lawsuit plus “all other NBC shows are bad anyway”

Law & Thorder. A show I never knew I wanted.

Oh man. That’s righteous

The people at Gawker did a hell of a thing when they hired Greg Howard to write for them, and I am sure I’m not the only one who is thankful they did.

Why did nature make ‘em so damn cute, so damn deadly ?

I think a LOT of bears are going to have a good time this weekend.

“Racial imbalances do not always disfavor minorities. Just look at the NBA, where the majority of the physical labor is performed by black people, but the ownership is almost exclusively white. Wait, what was my point?”

Clarence Thomas was nominated by George HW Bush. What did Nixon have to do with it?

My two favorite things are the NBA and housing discrimination. And kicking puppies - Donald Sterling

I always think Danner has sort of a sense of light about her, like she’s always on the verge of a the picture above Ruth seems to have a harder edge, but I couldn’t remember if I had seen other pictures of her before. After some light googlin’ the difference in her appearance pre and post scandal is pretty

Danner looks too pretty

I saw the picture and thought, “Omg, Bernie Madoff looks JUST like Richard Dreyfuss!”

Is that...a human carp?
