
Can we talk about how fucked SXSW’s e-mail is?

It’s not an Archer clone. It’s a Metalocalypse clone. If you look at it that way, it’s so much better.

I get it Male #3. I totally get it.

There is only one person for whom speaking in the third person is totally acceptable.

This had been my plan for a long time. When I was at my last job, I was in charge of creating and altering user accounts and permissions for various computer systems. We would get these rename requests, mostly people who had been recently married. One lady was Miss Smith and she apparently married a Mr. Wilson so she

Exactly, I’m not saying that I’m correct about their assumptions, or that those assumptions are also true to the world, it’s just that this seems to be the most logical reasoning behind removing the content, and that it’s not censorship. (Not that it is any better than censorship.)

I’m not the Planet Money podcast so I can’t really research the hard numbers, I can only try to follow the logic as to who and why removed the content. The logic seeming to be that this particular kind of in-your-face fanservice would generate a certain kind of bad publicity in America that would hurt the Nintendo

Yeah, but have you seen the lines at Disney World?

The moral minority has too much sway in America based on the noise they make and their compulsive voting habits. I could go in depth on various things like the way console licensing is leveraged and how the ESRB and the MPAA make decisions, but the complexity itself is almost proof enough.

The scantily clad stuff is in the games in Japan because it makes them sell. The scantily clad stuff is removed for North America because it makes it not sell. It’s an economic decision, not a art/ethics decision; so it is not censorship, it’s just business.

I’ll probably be in this situation when I leave the place I’m at now because I’m the only person that knows a lot of things. They also have me doing product deployment/support and I’m the only person doing internal system admin work.

My mother. See also: Who would even vote for Rick Santorum?

That’s a solid dad joke for a guy old enough to be a great-grandfather by now.

If you’re going to propose in public, at least do it at a thing that’s about them, about both of you as individuals, or both of you as a couple. Do not propose to someone at a thing that is about you. Also, don’t accept proposals from someone at a thing about them. That’s a big ol’ sign to GTFO!

Now if we could get a video explaining the difference between a star system, a galaxy, and the whole Universe and make that mandatory viewing for everyone in Hollywood with a quiz at the end.

Yeah, and the boxes look like they have textures that aren’t hi-res enough and his arms and everything look like they’re lighted digitally somehow...

I bet they have to get extra donations so that recipients only get blood from their blood type or else it may adversely effect their personality.

I made something inbetween chilli and jambalaya with spicy turky sausage and shrimp in my slow cooker Sunday. It’s really good.

No, bullshit. It’s how Italians eventually got country club memberships. They stopped being Italian and they started being white.