
I started doing derby a few months ago and it’s amazing. I’ve seen women under 5’ fucking wreck people so hard that even Anita Blake would be like, “Dayum!” If you’re in a large metropolitan area like Atlanta, they probably have a rec league for beginners that very fun and safe until you’re ready for more.

How is that even a slogan? What does it even mean? Who’s permission don’t they need? Why is “don’t” the emphasized word?

Those eyes could get me to do anything.

No, I’m already on the floor. The number of tries it takes to get from the bonfire to the spider safely is insane.

I haven’t officially given up on Dark Souls yet. I’m stuck in Blightown and every time I start playing, I can give it a few honest tries before I’m just, “nah.”

Undercover officers who were on the hike intervened,

No, but they were both of the small yippy dog variety.

There are Unitarian Universalist congregations in pretty much every major metropolitan area in America. It’s pretty great, you are encouraged to believe in whatever you believe in and you can roll in on Sunday morning wearing whatever you passed out in Saturday night and they’re cool with that.

“Religious” is just the flavor of the persecution, it’s not the persecution it self. People trade booze for religion every day. It’s the same addition, just a different flavor. Likewise, my decency is not tied to my religion, it’s just how I express it right now.

My congregation just had a gay pet wedding this morning, so your argument is invalid.

I was in a similar situation with a company I was with right out of college. I was in a cube right outside both genders’ single stall bathrooms. Which meant that I listened to people pooping all day. Couldn’t not hear it. Then we moved to a new office where we had multi-stall bathrooms but I still had to sit outside

I’ve built a few simple underwater castles out of glass blocks but that was in survival mode which made it trickier.

It’s no more or less fragile then femininity; just fragile people taking refuge in it.

The Dave Franko looking one can also get it.

With all of the twisted “family values” he stands for, he’s really more of a Cardassian.

I thought that there would be more of a slant in pricing based on demand i.e. Pittsburgh where pretty much everyone is constantly drinking; especially if you have to suffer through watching the Pirates.

Second, most established and powerful people are rarely challenged. They’re often surrounded by “yes people” who are afraid to disagree for fear or losing their jobs or being kicked out of the inner circle. So when they meet someone who knows how to speak honestly and voice an opinion that’s different from theirs or

Those poor children. The best part of your parents getting divorced is only having to put up with one of theirs bullshit at a time.

This all sounds incredibly scientific.