She fucking deserves both Lead and Supporting Actress awards.
She fucking deserves both Lead and Supporting Actress awards.
Yeah, that horse has to be tranked out of it’s head to not be freaking out and kicking people.
I’m just going to put this out there. I have zero interest in baseball, but I love baseball highlights. Sorry Captain Sisko, just skip to the good parts for me.
Great op-ed in The Onion about why you should use more mason jars for DIY shit.
Again, I feel like I need to voice my disappointment that Magic Mike is not a movie about male strippers that are also wizards. The original was still great, and I’m sure the sequel is as well, but I just think it would be better if he was casting polymorph instead of just animate rope with his pelvis movements.
I would like to see the breakdown by city. Pennsylvania has a whole bunch of Amish and other sticks-in-the-mud in the middle of the state that are bringing Pittsburgh and Philadelphia down.
Sometimes you don’t even have to blend in.
Holy shit! A “Florida Man” using his innate stupidity and weirdness to care for animals in a touchingly heartfelt way that will probably eventually get him killed. It’s a Gawker Media money shot.
Thank you.
Maybe he was thinking about Thurgood Marshall, but he was nominated by LBJ.
Well, we have seen that he can’t go very long without water.
I generally don’t do well with horror movies or games, but I handle real world anxieties well. I’ve been reprimanded by friends for my casual attitude while properly using a fire extinguisher during a small apartment fire. I think I could do this.
Yeah, he had me then he lost me.
For two seconds I thought this was a crop.
I’m sure that they can build statistical models by now on how many people back a kickstarter for how much and then the post kickstart sales figures. I bet that Nate Silver dude could probably draw up a whole model inside one trip to the can.
If myself and whomever shouldn’t be the drunkest people at our own wedding, what’s even the point of getting married?