
No wonder here, it was barely getting 1.0 on Thursday nights.

Yep. I barely made it through the next week's promo, to be honest. It looks so terrible and painfully awkward. I seriously consider skipping this episode.

I'm so excited about this Watson-centric storyline and hope this plot is actually going somewhere, though pretty sure they won't even mention about it next week since next episode will be truly and wholy dedicated to Sherlock' casual manpain and new goddamn unneeded romance. Meanwhile I'll be sitting and waiting for

Ok, this really pissed me off. Do they really think that endless family drama of Holmes family has given a "wonderful overall shape" to this season? So wrong. There's nothing wonderful about this season at all. Morland shows up once in a while just to talk about his rich assproblems and manpain - is this supposed to

Lol the show can't even entertain us with shirtless JLM anymore. Why on earth would Sherlock do yoga with his shirt on?? Give me shirtless Sherlock, show!

Absolutely generic episode with usual corporate murder. I don't even know what to discuss here.

Actually I don't remember Cumberbatch's Sherlock wearing any disguises either. Btw last year JLM was wearing a grey hat that kinda looked like deerstalker, I liked it, hopefully this year he'll be wearing it too.

Oookay, read my reply above, i don't want elementary to be serialized. In fact, i don't like serialized shows, i think procedural element is what keeps a show from becoming Sanra-Barbara. It would be nice to maintain both procedural and serialized aspects equally. All i want from elementary is INTERESTING cases of the

Why did you edit your reply though? You could have just replied to my question.
Anyway, we live in 21 century, if you enjoy CSI:Sherlock, I'm impressed, but most people i know find those cases of the week boring, repetitive, uninspiring (guess what, probably that's why elementary is the lowest rated show on cbs). For

What does this have to do with soap operas, my friend?

TV is only worthwhile when it has interesting plot, stakes, emotional arcs, character development, conflicts, intrigues. Yeah this episode had some conflict but it was just another unimportant throwaway story of the week which, of course, ended with a happy ending. Imo everything about 4x13 was so repetitive and

We all know those 'several points' are never going to be developed, it was obviously another filler episode with one-and-done story of the week.

It was such a pointless episode with no purpose, literally if you skip it you won't miss anything at all, well at least thankfully there was no continuation of last week's gross romance.

i know right, i hate throwaway characters. i assumed that we're not going to hear from Fiona in near future because last time on twitter elementary writers said that we'd hear from Fiona again, and this time when i asked whether we'll see her again they didn't say anything about her return, i'm guessing they just want

oh no, i have no problem with Fiona or her condition, in fact, i liked her, she's lovely, i'm just complaining that she seems to be a typical throwaway character who was introduced just to show that Sherlock is capable of love or something. and also i'm bitter about that unnecessary romance that literally came out of

I'm going to rant now. I'm sorry but that was terrible. Sherlock & Fiona thing was really getting on my nerves.
I know that Sherlock and Fiona's interactions were supposed to be awkward and all but the roof scene and the last scene were cringe worthy and facepalmable as f—k. Sherlock was completely out of character.

why doesn't av club recap every episode of limitless? i want to read your reviews!

Yes Ravi said that the cure is temporary, but both Blaine and Major haven't turned into zombies yet.

Blaine is not a zombie.

Cortes storyline is, like, x100 better than Morland's boring predictable arc. I can't believe some people find endless melodrama of Holmes family interesting, while complaining about Watson daring to have a life outside of Holmes and brownstone