
Ew, gross?

I was talking about what personally I want and expect from this show, what's not to understand here?
Elementary is the lowest rated show on cbs (except of Cyber) and it's moving to Sundays in a couple of weeks, so yeah, ratings are a bit more than "borderline", to put it mildly.

And I was speaking for myself, not everyone. I don't assume everyone hates politics, corporate murders or white dudes in suits, if you love this stuff - then good for you, I guess? But LOW ratings make it obvious that if Elementary writers don't want their show cancelled - they need to come up with serialized and

My "whodunnit" comment was sarcastic, of course it's barely a twist when you know beforehand who is going to be the killer when you see a smug man in a suit while watching the episode (or when you see the name of a well-known guest star in the credits). But it's not the point. The point is the case itself is

So much for hoping that this episode would be somehow interesting. Well, no, the episode turned out to be unbelievably bad. One of the worst of this season, in my opinion. Who even wrote this?? Good thing I watch Elementary online so I can skip or fast forward all those humdrum predictable moments with murder

I, for sure, don't care about murdered russian oligarchs or murders of the week with political/corporate root causes, but Morland is a major part of this season, and if the show takes this kind of twist and jeopardize his safety - it probably means that viewers are supposed to care about him

So apparently next week they're going to investigate the case of 'who wants to kill Morland' in which we'll get to see lots of white dudes in costumes with boring office viewes, too bad I don't give a single heck about Morland and his well-being.

Seriously, political murders are absolutely THE WORST. Can they just not mention this ukrainian/russian conflict in my fav tv show at least? Every day i tune in to news and all i hear about is ukrainian/russian political war and it depresses me so much, apparently even in tv shows i can’t avoid the mention of this

This is so disappointing. I've been waiting for 2 years(!) for Sherlock and Joan to talk about the Casebook of Sherlock Holmes (which was unforgivably wiped out by kitty last season), and they spent like 10 seconds on talking about it?? And it wasn't even a focus of their conversation, they were discussing Joan's

Honestly Moriarty working with Morland would be the worst scenario ever possible, two great minds like them being in conspiracy just to turn Sherlock into an addict seems very shallow.

I really can't say much about this episode. There was so much of white man talk in this episode, I swear I almost died from boredom.

I sincerely hope we won't see Mycroft again, or if we ever get to see him, Watson will be far far away at that moment, because scary nightmares of them kissing in bed still haunt me at night

I was so excited when i found out that Sherlock and Joan were sacked from NYPD, I thought the show would take new direction and explore Holmes&Watson as private investigators and then after just one(!) episode they were back to NYPD and I was like - oh my god, what a lazy writing… Right now I wouldn't even mind them

It was nice to see Alfredo again but sadly even his presence didn't save this episode from being absolutely mediocre and uninteresting. I was super apathetic about case of the week, I cought myself on a thought I wanted to fast-forward precinct interrogations. They didn't show us Sherlock and Marcus riding bikes

Okay, I'm going to rant and whine right now. First of all, I'm glad to know that I'm not the only one who utterly bored by procedural aspect of the show. I swear cases of the week make me YAWN so much, idk why but I have serious difficulties with focusing on them, probably because all those office viewes bore me to

John Noble is good as Morland and his interactions with Watson were intense, Watson & Holmes scenes were lovely as always, but I can't help but wondering when will this show get an actual storyline or plot, you know, something that would keep viewers intrigued and interested. Because the show is only on its 2 episode

this is the example of how you should not introduce characters. Kitty had so much potential, but sadly she was completely underused and wasted in the series. she had absolutely no storyline 10 episodes in a row, but in her FINAL episode she has become barely interesting as an character. this was such a regressive