
priviliged racist motherfucker

i couldn't even finish this episode till the end. absolutely boring and generic. this is the best you could do, Elementary? 100th episode is supposed to be kinda notable, hello? jesus christ. the show is pretty much dead.

idk, Holmes pushing Gregson to marry Paige felt so out of character to me. Generally the episode was pretty boring. Sadly I have a bad feeling that next week's 100th episode will be a huge dissappointment as well. Damn, how I miss the quality of writing from season 1.

I'm grateful she gets so little of screentime. This is one of the most boring and irrelevant characters I've ever seen. Besides the actress who 'plays' Margaery is painfully boring and uninteresting by all means, alas the girl can't act and it's good that producers of the show get that.

I am so jealous of people who found Morland's arc to be interesting. I tried to like it but… meh. What a boring piece of a season it was. Monotonous, slow and very random. Though I'm admittedly curious whether Morland will succeed in dismantling the organisation, but something tells me we'll never get to know that

It always perplexes me as to why people say that natalie dormer has no time for Elementary, she actually finished filming GOT somewhere in late November and she hasn't starred in anything ever since (in fact, she's only about to shoot her next project), had plenty of time to return. I mean, even Bradley Cooper

CW shows always get a lot of media attention due to their wide youthful audiences which tend to express more passion and devotion towards their fav shows

Honestly why did it take the whole season to create a somewhat remotely interesting plot for Elementary? Writers could have come up with something interesting before, i hate it when they rush and squeeze the whole season 'arc' in three last episodes

last season Lucy directed the episode with missing zebras

Well I'm pretty disappointed that hairless creepy cat got so little of a screentime. No kidding, the whole episode I've been waiting for him to show up again - this is how much I was disinterested in that case of the week.
Watson's line "I saw a freakin' bear out there!" was the only entertaining thing in this episode.

I expected these two episodes to be related as well. This so-called "2 hour event" was nothing but a huge disappointment. Elementary has been so abrupt this season in terms of its arc. Why do they introduce those random characters and storylines which are never to be developed and finished? Where is Cortez? Cassie?

Introducing Watson's sister seemed like a payoff before Morland's arc to me. Something tells me that we're not going to see her again this season. Writers be like "Oh heey, we've heard you wanted more of Watson's backstory so here you go, now can we please go back to Holmes family again?". Ugh.

Sorry, I know my thoughts can be vague, I have hard time expressing them in english ( I never speak it in real life), in brief what I'm trying to say is that I still see Fiona/Sherlock relationship as an experiment for Sherlock (due to her autism) since there's no mutual respect, attraction or common interests between

I don't even think Sherlock is being a dick, obviously the show carefully tries to depict how human and adorable he is, as always. Surely I'm talking solely from my perspective, and what I see is a poorly written romance between two people who share no common interests and have zero chemistry, zero passion, zero signs

From the very start Elementary had interesting cases of the week with great character development for both Holmes and Watson. Season 1 was great, but the show went downhill after that alas as writers seemed to be out of any creative ideas.

You're missing the point. Of course Elementary is a procedural i.e it got to contain a procedural part in it, but the problem is the cases of the week fill 97% of the whole screentime, not to mention that they are very boring; the dialogues are very prolonged, the interrogation scenes are extremely tiresome, everyone

And yet while talking to Watson the first thing Sherlock said regarding Fiona was a complaint that they hadn't slept together yet. I mean, I get it, Sherlock is horny, but why do I have to know how many days he haven't had sex? Then said he'd will to wait due to Fiona's disability, because only after talking to some

Btw, Sherlock and Fiona scenes were also flat indeed because I couldn't really figure out how they feel about each other. Do they even love each other or what the hell was going on? I wish Fiona never came back again to the brownstone after she had dumped Sherlock, because, let's be honest, Holmes is such a f-ckboy.

I adore the person who writes Elementary reviews. She manages to capture all my feelings in one article. Everything, absolutely everything was incredibly flat. I really want this show to succeed but probably it's not possible as long as the show has current writers. The case of the week was boring (not that I was

I'm almost certain nothing will happen to her. Writers just don't have guts to harm her. Also, as much as I abhor her with Sherlock, I really don't want to see her hurt, mostly because that would mean we'd see more of Sherlock's man tears.