
Hey, there’s even a piece of shit in the White House!

I want to say thank you for everything you do. I have been lucky in my life to never have needed an elective abortion, but a few years ago I had a missed miscarriage, and my options were to undergo a medical abortion or a D&C when it became clear after 2 weeks that my body wasn’t going to expel the fetus on its own. I

It’s gonna be said, so I'll say it...

Remember... Only the Conception was Immaculate.

What makes it best is to have soda in the alcohol, not the other way around.


Contamination? Contamination? This word right here tells me all I need to know about your judgy ass.

And especially if you’re not single. Women are way more likely to be assaulted or killed by a husband or boyfriend than by any stranger, one night stand, or client.

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I take my lead from Absolutely Fabulous.

In related news, GM is laying off 15% of its salaried workers amid slumping sales. As it turns out, sales in China are down due to Trump’s idiotic trade war and overall sales have dipped because of increased prices necessary to cover the increased cost of steel thanks to Trump’s steel tariffs (tariffs have a ripple

Gotta love DIY for pure crap results.

Oh. My. Goddess. That tiny house... I WANT TO LIVE THERE RIGHT FUCKING NOW!!!1!

Yes. It is. I’ve seen those kind of children. Squashed by a patriarchal, fundamentalist faith.    Like trained robots. Please Goddess let them rebel!

Fork me, great tweet. I just shirt my pants.

Really waiting to see some of that ‘fighting tyranny’ second amendment action they talk about so much, because this kinda bullshit is a clear sign that America has lost it’s moral and ethical compass.

Thank god we live in the “First World”....

I think “soon” is directly proportionate to how much you want to see someone/want something to happen.

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Cooked. Ate. Took a nap with Tony the Ginger Kitten. When I woke up, it was dark.