Josh The Cannabis Columnist

So is this a new weekly feature? So much ground to cover.

Kiss is a horrible, Dollar Tree band fronted by a disgusting lumpy frontman, and offer nothing to anyone with ears. Also, Paul Stanley is wrong with his initial statement, and a waste of space. But the important take away is what a STD of a band KISS are. Be better a better ally, and a less toxic human.

Sara/Dave isn’t into your “labels”, like names, and you are overdue for your follow up.

“Laughably cynical and pedantic” - The AV Club

I’m not starting to think Adams is a fucking dick, I’m continuing to think as much.

Do not play in cities with laws that are unjust.

“He was incredibly pleasant and very helpful. Give this man a raise immediately.”

Are you listening, God?

“They don’t care about telling the truth and they don’t care about women. All they care about are ratings and revenue.” said Grossberg. Also from Grossberg “I never expected leopards would eat my face after I smeared leopard food all over it.”

“Copyright sucks”. Other things that suck? Fucking Elon Musk.

My understanding is the Gushers logo was reworked after a rebranding campaign was wisely aborted pre launch, with the name “Your Mom”.

The ending of Lost is why. #neverforget

Shocking. considering how healthy the cheerleading industry is otherwise, and how valued professional cheerleaders are by professional sports teams.

47 grams is a mere 9 grams shy of two ounces of sugar. Developing the diabeetus for what sounds like a sort of interesting soda is a hard pass.

I see this resulting in numerous “Hot Crying Girl Walks”, but it’s for a good cause.

Came to say the same. JFC, this site.

And yet my mash-up script, with Barbie developing the atomic bomb, can’t get read by any of the major studios?

The AV Club has everything: Slideshows that aren’t needed, underpaid writers barely reworking press releases into “articles, grey out long time contributors, and limp dick racist incels popping up with vile comments.

All the stars, all of them.

When does Spiderman show up? I like him.