
If you go back and look at how it was edited, Tony dies at the end.

"For every 30 of my guys you kill, I'll kill one of yours"

A good writer doesn't necessarily make a good showrunner. With the Glenn fake-out, the timing of the storytelling around the mid-season break, the padding of the story waiting for Negan and now the cliffhanger, Gimple has shown, again and again, that his instincts are wrong.

A fitting ending to a terrible season, and I mean both parts of the season.

If Morgan had killed the Wolf, Denise wouldn't have been taken and wouldn't have needed saving. Morgan didn't really think that through. Denise would have been alive to save Carl either way.

That explains why she doesn't want to sue, and leave her job. She is ambitious, but she knows that a job a HHM is still something valuable.

Sure it's anachronistic, but Rose dated a Black guy, and most people were okay with it. In the context of the show, giving him a boyfriend wouldn't be that much of a stretch.

Chance the Rapper has no flow. He's someone whose rich father opened doors for him, but he has no talent.

Rosalind mentioned last week that he is a former member of the council.

The story lines with Eddie are always the weakest parts of the show. Just make him a supporting character like Evan and Emery and concentrate on the parents.

The show needs to kill off Rick. He can't be the leader and he won't let anyone else lead. Maybe Negan can do the deed.

I think that was the idea behind the can rolling away. It started rolling, then one after the other followed it. I'm not sure how it went so far that all the zombies left, but I guess we're not supposed to question it.

They tried to fake us out, and nobody fell for it. It was so poorly executed that everybody knew Glenn was alive so the whole thing fell flat. It was sad watching Talking Dead last night when everyone had to pretend that it was a great reveal, when it was a complete fail.

Black people are like this.
White people are like this.
Repeat, ad nauseam..

If Morgan was obsessed with clearing, he should have finished off that zombie before it reanimated.

I like that we finally get an episode that suggests that Rick's way isn't the only way to survive. I hope this sets up a dethroning of Rick. His stupid plan of leading the zombies away from the mine-pit has backfired. Hopefully, that wakes everyone else up.

Phil now has Todd on his side, along with Carol. Now Erica is turning on Phil 2.0. I'm hoping this is leading up to Phil 2.0 losing his grip on the group and getting ostracized.

The intestines were coming from a place several inches above where Glenn's abdomen would be. If those are Glenn's guts, they did a terrible job with the special effects.

Rick's stupid plan is getting everyone killed. Glenn is right. Rick is a dumbass.