
Why doesn't Erica want Phil released? If she is worried about losing Phil 2.0 to Carol, she should welcome Phil keeping Carol company.

The bandages on Rick's face should have been enough.

AV Club reviews are based on the quality of the show. Salon's reviews are based on whether the show had the 'correct' political slant.

If the group hadn't released the zombie horde, Strand and Nick's ride wouldn't have been attacked and they would have gotten away. Liza probably would have left on the helicopter. Their plan killed dozens of people, including Liza, and was completely unnecessary.

"Melissa Chartres". We already knew the last name, but not the spelling, I guess.

I had hoped that the series would fill in the gaps as to how an outbreak could lead so quickly to the breakdown of society, the parts we missed while Rick was in the coma. Instead, we jump right from the initial outbreak to everybody being gone except a small group. At this point in the timeline, Rick is probably

In setting it up as a family drama, it makes the plot holes and unrealistic character reactions stand out much more than on The Walking Dead. Also, it seems to contradict The Walking Dead in some ways. CNN would be showing that footage on a loop, and yet, nobody in The Walking Dead knew that people dying from causes

"Besides being an extremely literal send-up of the cliche of men=dogs"
So, why was the bride a dog too? Was she sending up the cliche that brides are bitches? Not everything needs to be symbolic of a greater issue.

BFG is the Big Friendly Giant. It's from a children's book by Roald Dahl.

The episode could be 22 minutes of Louie sleeping, and A.V. Club would give it a B+.

It was the worst episode of the worst season. It's like he's just messing with us by putting crap on the air and seeing if idiots will still overpraise it. The "A" answers that question. Somebody needs to say it: The emperor has no clothes.

Will Pete's rifle ever be used?

The show has been ruined by too many "thinkpieces" on it. Now, every sketch has to have a positive message. The PSA at the end of the 'cool with it' sketch was dumb. The Ashley Madison interview didn't even try to be funny. The same thing has ruined "Louie".

Hobart sold Don on McCann Erickson, but Don failed to sell it to his own employees. Just like Mathis tried, and failed to repeat Don's line last week.

Carol didn't make Phil commit to marriage, like she did with Tandy. He is still a free agent.

He just isn't trying anymore.

I have eaten chicken feet. They taste like chicken.

Wuxia films predate Crouching Tiger and Shaolin Soccer. They go back decades. A family who came from Taiwan would be familiar with them.

Stannis will attack and a strong king is needed. They can't wait for Tommen to grow into his role.

I recently re-watched the pilot episode, and he was a jerk then. He became the nicest character because he didn't have Pete's ambition. He didn't want to use his family connections, while Pete strong-armed his father-in-law to get his business. He was also at the meeting where the Jaguar executive asked for Joan,