
Maybe that's the last scene of the series. Erin Brill goes into the Cinnabon and sees Jimmy. "I'm glad I ran into you. The ruling in the Sandpiper case came in weeks ago. We've been trying to give you your $3 million cheque. If you're hiding from Walter White and the Nazis, they all died months ago."

The whole season seemed to be about Jimmy breaking bad, but the finale was his redemption. He tried to make amends with Chuck and gave up his money to help Irene. He also gave up the office to give Kim breathing room on finances while she recovers. Turning into Saul isn't the smooth trajectory I thought it would be.

The show is set in 2002.

I'm assuming that Pamela isn't immune from the virus. She was just isolated since the outbreak.

Coulson and May can bring Mack back any time they want. They can just unhook him and he leaves the framework.

It's a scripted TV show. It is not the way most Americans, or most New Yorkers, live. They need to create drama to make it interesting.

"Sean Penn can beat Madonna"

Maggie is great at killing walkers, but it took her forever to dig out that bush.

You left out the tennis player, and the Venus of Willendorf statue.

He actually is a reporter in L.A.

The plot made no sense. The idea that Mycroft would bring in Moriarty as a Christmas present, when he is the one most fanatical about keeping Eurus isolated, is idiotic. Did she set up the whole mystery involving the gravestones and the song when she was a child? Why did nobody find the boy at the bottom of the

His weakness is his knees. He is always leaning to one side.

There is no way an annoying twerp would last five minutes in the zombie apocalypse without somebody putting a bullet in him, and we're supposed to believe that he is able to put together an army that controls the eastern seabord?

Charlotte's appearance with the Man in Black, to discuss firing Ford, definitively links those timelines. Maeve watched Clementine be "lobotomized" so her story is in a similar time frame.

The Man in Black is obsessed with Arnold. If he is going to this length to find out what Arnold created, he must have done some research on the man himself. As a board member, he has access to the facility where Bernard was just walking around passing himself off as human. How did Ford think that was going to work,

What is Jorah Mormont's position within the House of Mormont? Is he the rightful heir, or did he lose that right for committing crimes?

I wonder if the play will have greater significance going forward, or if it is just a throwaway. The people of Braavos seemed pretty sympathetic to Cersei.

Gilfoyle's girlfriend is Lily from AT&T.

They did bomb Atlanta. We saw a flashback during the hospital episodes, and we saw all the burned out buildings. It looked like Washington was mostly intact when they saw it on their way to Alexandria.

If Phil had been upset at Mike because Mike's punches him in the balls had made him sterile, it would have made Phil more sympathetic. As it is, we seem to have gone back to Phil the jerk.